Apseldian gnomes

Apseldia is a predominantly half-elf nation but the party of half-elf adventurers (now known as the Founders) that helped establish Apseldia as an independent republic included a gnome among them.  There are statues of him around Apseldia much like the other founders and gnomes were incorporated into Apselidia's government from the moment of it's founding.   Gnome citizens are considered on equal footing with half-elf citizens although they have to wait a bit longer to be eligiible to attend Apseldian Council meetings and vote.   Gnomes may be small but due to their social prowess they cast a disproportionately large shadow in the Council meetings.  There are a few especially skilled orators well known in the Council.  Other gnomes from elsewhere claim that Apseldian gnomes always act like they are addressing the council have a tendency to pontificate in unnecessarily flowery language and speak in the boisterous manner of stage actors.


Major language groups and dialects

Apseldian gnomes normally learn Gnomish as their mother tongue and Elven as a second language with Common a close third.


Beauty Ideals

by Me with Hero Forge
  Most Apseldian gnomes have some mix of earthy, fiery, and watery elemental ethnic traits, leaning towards water slightly more with each successive generation.   Palegla, pictured above, is a mix of co-dominant fiery and watery traits, with negligible earthy traits.   Labnik, at the header of the article represents the more earthy extreme seen among Apseldian gnomes with strong secondary fiery and tertiary watery traits.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken
Related Locations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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