Chronicles of Levanalth

The Chronicles of Levanalth are the widest circulated and best known first hand account of the events of Second Unmaking.   The dragon known as Levenalth claimed to be a young dragon during the Second Unmaking. Much later as an old wyrm, she wrote an autobiography detailing her first hand experiences during the Second Unmaking.

Historical Details


While the Chronicles are a Levanalth were written well into the Third Age, they are still technically a first hand account of the Second Unmaking.   Levanalth comissioned several copies of her autobiography and her children and grandchildren helped spread the work after Levanalth's natural death.   Copies are widely available in Draconic, Elven, and Common making this the most widely available source of information on the Second Unmaking.   Some scholars doubt it's accuracy but the general points in this very thick book have been told and retold so often that they form the basis of what most Scarterrans "know" about the Second Unmaking.

Public Reaction

Though we do not believe Llavanalth was directly related by blood to our noble draconic ancestors, we are nevertheless eternally grateful that Levanalth took the time to chronicle her noble deeds and give us Third Age mortals a glimpse of what it was really like during the Second Unmaking.   -Queen Gwendolyn ap Numaness
I'm not sure how much accuracy we can assign to it given how much braggadocia is in it. Levanalth very much liked to write about her own heroic acts defending lesser mortals and slaying hundreds of demons by herself, and she credited a great many heroic acts to other dragons as well including her parents. Accounts from elves and other mortals rarely depict dragons acting in a such a selfless manner.   -Akeem of Magicland Professor Emeritus of History
Journal, Personal


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