Dark amalgams

Their exact origins are unknown but Scaraquan scholars widely believe that they occur when a part of the First Dead manages to imprint itself onto a corpse somehow.   Dark amalgams are floating blobs of corpse parts that absorb other corpses gradually increasing in size. Any corpses assimilated into the amalgam are warped by the amalgam's instinctual shape changing. Dark amalgams assimilate the abilities and features of corpses they absorb.   Each dark amalgam is a Frankenstein-esque chimeric monster of terrifying size. These blobs of dead flesh are able to grow fanged mouths, prehensile tentacles, fins for propulsion, and grasping claws and pincers.   Dark amalgams can only assimilate fresh corpses, so they are constantly driven to kill living beings to grow larger. A dark amalgam that goes a long time without assimilating any new corpses will eventually begin to eat itself and shrink.   Larger dark amalgams are more powerful, but they are also slower and less stealthy. It's rare for a dark amalgam to get much larger than the mass of two or three whales, at which point the amalgam cannot really catch any new prey and all but guaranteed to trigger an organized response from one or more of Scaraqua's larger nations.   Once identified, it is relatively straightforward for an elite group of warriors with some magical back up to take apart a large dark amalgam. The hard part is not defeating the massive dark amalgam but making sure every piece is chopped up finely or incinerated with magic because dark amalgam seem to reproduce by budding. If a large enough piece breaks away, it can regrow into an independent dark amalgam.
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