The Legend of the First Dead

Scaraquans know that life as we know it exists because theSeeyirah and the Sons of the Sky agreed to share Water and Fire between them respectively.   When Fire and Water come together, life is possible given that they are the purest essence of Sea and Sky.   The exchange of Fire and Water now is continuous. Every day, the oceans (and the land for what little that is worth) soak up Fire from the warmth of the sun while the Sky collects Water in the form of moisture within clouds. While the moisture in the air is a start, most surface life requires at least occasional rain to fall to exist.   If this continuous transfer of Fire and Water was ever broken, most if not all living things would die very quickly.   Originally Taedi stole a small amount of fire and created the first life n secret without the knowledge or permission of the Sons of the Sky. It is not clear what the first life looked liked or how much of there was, but it is known that Taedi's stolen fire did not last very long. As soon as it was gone, the first life became the First Dead.   Taedi's sisters initially thought the first life disintegrated and dissolved entirely but secretly she hid away their essence hiding the First Dead in the deepest darkest trench she could find.       It is not clear whether the First Dead represent a serious of distinct entities like individual fish within a massive school or a single substance with a shared identity a giant clump of algae. Either way, when Taedi is backed into a corner and releases a portion of the First Dead (or portion of the First Undead escapes her clutches), all of Scaraqua trembles.   Whatever the first life looked like, the First Dead does not resemble. It is incorporeal and amorphous. If witnessed by the living it will instinctively change it's appearance to a mirror image of the viewers darkest fears.   Little more than a disembodied collection of thoughts of feelings, the First Dead is literally the stuff of monsters. The First Dead is dangerous enough as a psychic threat but sometimes it merges with physical substances to create terrifying undead monsters. It is unclear what forces serve as the catalysts for these physical transformation.   One such monster type are the abominations known as dark amalgams.

Scaraquan Liches

  To become a lich, a Scaraquan caster must locate a piece of the First Dead and bind it to his or her soul thus allowing the lich to avoid a natural death and linger in a half-dead half alive state.
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