Duke Agaton Palbuc II

Duke Agaton Palbuc, II

Lord Agaton was the second born son of Duke Eduard Palbuc II, but since his older brother was already he was essentially treated as a first born son.   Given the premature death of his older brother Eduard III was considered by some to be the result of his being marked by Greymoria's Zodiac sign twice and Agaton happened to be born under Greymoria's Zodiac Year and Zarthus' Zodiac Month, there was concern that this baby boy would be marked. He was named after his ancestor Revered Father Agaton Palbuc, a celebrated Hallisan priest.   Lord Agaton was only a barely passable warrior but he took to his studies well and was very learned and diplomatic though considered very arrogant and elitist towards the peasants. Given that Agaton's father was so popular, he was unfavorably compared to his father many times which exaggerated tales of his arrogance.   He was not especially to pious to Greymoria, Zarthus, Hallisan or any of the rest of the Nine which only made him less popular with the common folk.   He was only duke for only five years before he died in a privy. He only had one son who died very young, so he was succeeded by his younger brother Duke Demid Palbuc the Slothful.  
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1643 CE 1691 CE 48 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Greymoria's Zodiac Year, Zarthus' Zodiac Month
Circumstances of Death
old age accelerated by stress, alchohol and possibly Greymoria

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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