East Colassian mountain goblins

The East Colassian Mountains provide a natural barrier between the dark elves of Kahdisteria and their sworn enemies of the Colassian Confederacy.   The East Colassian Mountains also split the fertile coastal lands of Kahdisteria from the foreboding Great Colassian Desert. As dangerous as the mountains are for goblins, the desert is usually even more dangerous.   Goblins that escape slavery in Kahdisteria usually only have one direction to flee: the mountains. Most would-be escapees are caught or killed by their elven masters or they starve to death in the mountains. Over the centuries, enough goblins have survived that bands of runaway slave goblins and their descendants roam the mountains and the tunnels underneath them.   The mountain goblins hunt, forage, and scavenge a sustenance living in the mountains while trying to avoid dark elf patrols (or turn the tables on them) and feuding with the kobolds and Independent Chay tribes over food and territory.   The mountain goblins are aware that most humans in the area are staunch foes of the dark elves, but the goblins know that the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend since some humans who are staunchly opposed to human slavery are okay with enslaving goblins, or worse want to eradicate goblins. They know that there are some humans that are sympathetic to goblins, but not many and the mountain goblins are too pragmatic to take chances with any seemingly friendly non-Chay humans they encounter.   Because of this, mountain goblins are almost as hostile to the Colassian Confederacy as they are to their sworn enemies the dark elves.


Major language groups and dialects

Like most goblins, East Colassian mountain goblins speak their own variant of Elven.  Because these goblins are less removed from elven slavery than most other goblins, their grammar and diction is closer to "proper" Elven than most other goblins.

Average technological level

The mountain goblins have much accumulated lore on finding food, shelter, weapons, and tools from their mountain home, but for almost anything else, they have to scavenge or steal technology from humans and elves.

Common Dress code

East Colassian goblins wear a patchwork of furs from animals they hunted and fabrics stolen or scavenged from humans and elves.
Encompassed species
Related Locations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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