Independent Chay tribes

The Chay are a small hardy tribe of barbarian humans that live in the mountains of East Colassia   Long ago, the Chay had a civilization, but the details of this Chay kingdom are long forgotten. Originally the Chay were farmers and fisherman who lived off the northern coast of East Colassia, but their homelands were completely conquered by the dark elves who renamed the Chay's homeland Kahdisteria. Most of the original Chay were killed or enslaved while the remainder were driven south into the mountains.   The tiny cultural remnants of the original human inhabitants of Kahdisteria now dwell in the East Colassian mountains in very small bands typically number 20-30 people. Their numbers are bolstered from runaway slaves but there are only a few thousand of these humans left.   The Chay are tough-as-nails living in a harsh environment with scarce food, contending with various goblin tribes and while dodging both monsters and patrols of elf soldiers.   Officially, all the nations of the Confederacy have offered sanctuary to any Chay who wants it, but actually communicating this to the Chay is near impossible as the population is very widely dispersed and the Chay are very distrustful of outsiders.   The Chay as a whole are not very pious believing their harsh lives are due to the Nine more or less abandoning them. When they do utter an occasional prayer, Korus is usually whom they pray to.   Modern Chay have been living in the mountains so long they have predominantly earthy traits with only tiny vestiges of the watery traits of their ancestors.
Encompassed species
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Cover image: by Me with Heroforge


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