Factions and Divisions within the Testers

The Testers are not tightly organized and its members are usually highly individualistic.  Many of their priests, priestesses, and warriors would qualify as being a faction of one, which fits because Maylar himself is pretty individualistic and out for himself above all others.  A very powerful and charismatic Tester could attract a cult of personality around themselves but these informal factions almost always dissolve shortly after the leader's death.   Most of the faction names given to them were not chosen by the Testers, but the names come from their enemies.  The sole major exception is Herders of Men who represent like-minded Testers that chose to band together under a common ideology.   Most of the factions are fairly informal.  A specific follower of Maylar or a whole temple might be sympathetic to,  opposed to, or merely indifferent to the Bearers of the Ill Wind, but the Bearers do not hold regular meetings, hold territory on behalf of the faction, or even have standardized symbols or traditions.  The same goes for nearly every other group besides the aforementioned Herders of Men who have been formerly unified since their inception and the Decadents who have only begun formalizing their procedures fairly recently.
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Articles under Factions and Divisions within the Testers

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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