Fake Torch Team Stats

Teran ap Selwyth   Willpower 8   Dexterity 4, Strength 4, Stamina 3, Appearance 2, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wits 3   Simple Abilities: Alertness 1, Animal Ken 1, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Empathy 0, Etiquette 2 (+1 Swynfaredians), Expression 0, Intimidation 3, Investigation 1, Leadership 1, Legerdemain 0, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2   Trained Abilities: Archery 4, Commerce 0, Crafts 0, Enigmas 3, Hearth Wisdom 3 (+1 reagents), History 2 (+1 Swynfaredian), Medicine 1, Melee 4, Performance 1, Politics 1 (+1 Swynfaredian), Ride 2, Sailing 0, Seneschal 1, Survival 3, Theology 1 (+1 Swynfaredian)   Rare Abilities: Arcana 2, Spellcraft 2, Use Magic Device 1   Casting Attributes: Abjuration 4, Illusion 2, Necromancy 4, Transmutation Abjuration Spells: (1) Alarm (7d), Endure Elements (7d), Obscure Object (6d), Protection (6d), Shield (8d), (2) Dispel Magic (7d), Illusion Alarm (7d), Obscure Person (6d), Protection Circle (6d), Protection from Energy (7d), (3) Obscure Area (6d), Reactive Dispel Magic (7d), Re-Corporealization (7d), True Form (8d), (4) Greater Dispel Magic (7d), Invisibility Purge (7d), Remove Curse (7d), Stone Skin (7d)   Necromancy Spells: (1) Detect Undead (7d), Lifesight (7d), Gentle Repose (7d), (2) Burst of Pain (6d), Create Lesser Undead (6d), Dead Name (7d), Enfeeblement (8d), Vermin Purge (7d), (3) Blindness/Deafness (6d), Command Ghost (6d), Create Undead (6d), Inflict Disease (Stamina), Vampiric Touch (8d), (4) Ennervation (6d), Wave of Pain (6d)   Important Character Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, -5, Incapacitated Fake Bendek, Willpower 9, 9 dice combat pool     Fake Ragani (Wrokini)   Willpower 6   Dexterity 3, Strength 3, Stamina 3, Appearance 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 3, Perception 2, Wits 2   Abilities: Archery 1 (+1 crossbows), Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Crafts 3, Dodge 1, Empathy 3, Enigmas 1, Etiquette 3, Expression 2, Hearth Wisdom 1 (+1 reagents), History 1 (+1 Swynfaredian), Intimidation 3, Investigation 3, Leadership 0, Legerdemain 3, Medicine 3, Melee 3 (+1 parry), Performance 2 (acting), Politics 3, Ride 3, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 2, Survival 3, Theology 3   [b]Divine Spheres: Augmentation 2 (6d), Crafts 2 (6d), Divination 1, Healing 3 (6d), Spirit 4 (6d)   Rare Abilities: Alchemy 3, Device 2, Spellcraft 1, Use Magic Device 1  

Fake Brigid (Bethwyn)

  Willpower 6   Dexterity 3, Strength 3, Stamina 3, Appearance 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 3, Perception 2, Wits 4   Abilities: Alertness 3 (+1 paranoia), Animal Ken 3, Archery 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Commerce 2, Dodge 2, Empathy 1 (+1 falsehoods), Etiquette 1, Expression 2, Hearth Wisdom 3, History 2 (+1 Swynfaredian), Intimidation 3, Investigation 1, Legerdemain 1, Melee 3, Performance 3, Politics 1, Ride 3, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 2, Survival 3   Enchantment 3, Invocation 3, Illusion 2, Abjuation 3

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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