Father Dobry

Father Dobry is the youngest and newest Fumayan Guardian to be promoted to Elder.   He is assigned to the newly consecrated Chapel in County of Polnoc.   He is not a theurgist but he is a powerful warrior and skilled ranger.   Dobry is more than a little miffed that he was pulled away from the County of Polnoc for the entirety of the Dirty Crow Orc extortion scheme and only reassigned north after the orcs were defeated. Now he has been seemingly pulled away from Fumaya's southern border before the Swynfaredians make their big attack.   While the orcs have been supposedly driven away, the northern border still faces potential threats and has a relative dearth of skilled commanders and troops. While the Fumayan Tenders try to heal Obrect the Cub's broken spirit, Dobry is working with a ragtag coalition of other groups to make sure the next horrible thing to come out of the Great Colassian Tundra does not devestate the county.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dobry grew up in a Hallisan-fearing family that had more mouths to feed than they could handle. They oblated Dobry to the Fumayan Guardians.   After under going basic training in King's Lake, he was sent north to apprentice/squire to older Guardians there.   Dobry grew into a fine warrior and was recently promoted to head of the Polnoc chapel. A dubious honor given how tenuous Fumaya and the Guardian's hold is there.


Rumors alternate that he is romantically linked to Umara the half-elf or one of the Fumayan Tenders he is working with up north.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Guardian Icon by me


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