Father Kastor

On paper, Father Kastor is the leader of the Fumayan Guardians' chapel in the Duchy of Palbuc, but Kastor hasn't been in Palbuc in over six zodiac months.   In reality he is Alexandra Frymar's acting Vice Elder. He is coordinating all of Fumaya's Hallisan worship rituals with Cult of the Compact and any Fumayan Guardians that Alexandra deems unnessential to the war effort.   In his capacity as acting Vice Elder to Revered Mother Frymar, he is the unofficial liason between the Fumayan Guardians and King Henryk III and his court and the rest of Fumaya's Nonagon in King's Lake.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kastor was a late bloomer when it came to theurgy but he is fairly magically potent.   He currently has Divination ●●●● (which is a personal favored sphere), Crafts ●●, and Protection ●

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kastor was born into a family of fishermen that ranged on both the north and south banks of the Lake of Fumaya, but he knew from a young age that did not want to follow the family business.   He spent over a decade trying four failed careers spending about three or four years on each one, staying at a lot of hospitals and barely avoiding dying in a ditch.   After a failed stint as an acolyte to the Cult of the Compact, against all odds, he surprisingly found that he seemed to click with Hallisan's ethos and in his own words, "finally pulled my head out of my ass long enough to do something meaningful with my life."   (Fortunately, he left the Cult of Compact on good terms which is handy because decades later he works with them a lot.)   Kastor's new Guardian eccelesiastic superiors were wary of inducting an older gnome with a seemingly flaky history, but Kastor pushed all the challenges given and worked his way the Guardian ladder slowly and steadily through hardwork and reliable service rather than song-worthy heroic deeds. In this case, a gnome's lifespan was helpful.


Kastor is a jack-all-of-all trades when it comes to anything that you can learn from a book being reasonably knowledgeable at alchemy, engineering, history, mathematics, herbalism, and arcana among other things.   He excels at theology and knowledge of rituals and could be a reliable stand-in with the rest of the Nonagon's rituals if they let him. At least he is knowledgeable with this now. When he was younger, he didn't absorb this knowledge very fast, that is why he left the Cult of the Compact.   Likewise, Kastor is an excellent seneschal and bookkeeper though he trouble with these sorts of tasks when he was younger.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1682 CE 156 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Hallisan's Zodiac Year, Maylar's Zodiac Month
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven

Cover image: Guardian Icon by me


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