frog goblins

Frog goblins are a mutation of the common goblin that appeared fairly recently after several goblins changed after being exposed to magical energy laced with primal water elemental energy.       Frog goblins are truly amphibious. They can breathe air or water indefinitely without magical aids though they are highly uncomfortable in arid environments. They also have keen senses to help them navigate the dark waters of the underground homes.   Their hands have retractable webs on their hands allowing them to switch between aiding swimming and fine tool use.  They can also excrete a sticky substance on their hands and feet. It's not enough to impair a large target but it does let them snatch fish from the water quite easily and daring frog goblins have used this to help pickpocketing.  The suction of the sticky slime can also aid in climbing.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Frog goblins can and do live almost anywhere except very arid environments.  They prefer living in seas near the coastline.  If they find themselves pursued by sea based enemies they will flee to land and visa versa.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Frog Goblins still speak a variant of Elven and Grauen (Scarterran languages) and they have very little incentive to try to learn Scaraquan tongues.


The Frog Goblins first appeared in underground lakes and rivers with lots of ambient water elemental magic. They didn't stay underground very long deciding Scaraqua was more to their liking.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

As one of the few humanoid races that is fully amphibious, frog goblins could be a natural bridge between Scarterrans and Scaraquans.  In practice, this is infeasible.  Scarterrans generally don't get along well with any goblins, so they are more likely than not to attack them on sight.   Frog goblins spend most of their time in Scaraqua and have made no serious attempt to In attempt to learn any Scaraquan languages, so it's near impossible for Scaraquans to talk to them without magical aid and most Scaraquans would rather attack frog goblins on sight because of their frequent thievery.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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