Gentle Rain

While most Rovers are very personable as a rule, they are usually detached and not big into altruism for people they don't know, but the Gentle Rain is an exception.  The Gentle Rain is a subsect of Rovers that endorses public service and random acts of kindness both for it's own sake and to garner praise for Nami.   Most Rovers do not have a problem with the Gentle Rain's general altruism.  That's not controversail among the mainstream Rovers.  What is somewhat controversial is that some members of Gentle Rain use their Weather magic to help farmers.  Rovers view Weather controlling magic as sacred and should best be used sparingly only in extreme situations and not for casual reasons.   Relative to other Rover factions, the Gentle Rain is growing in numbers and they are disproportionately represented among sedentary Rovers.  Because of this, many temples run by Gentle Rain sympathizers are barring their doors against sheltering Bacchites.
Religious, Sect
Parent Organization

Cover image: Me with Midjourney


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