Grand Elder

The normal form of address from one Guardian to another is usually Brother Insert Name Here or Sister Insert name here.   The heads of Chapels are referred to as Mother or Father.   Chapels report to Temples, who head is referred to as Grandmother or Grandfather.   Temples report to a Grand Temple, and the Grand Temple has a unisex title of Grand Elder.   Grand Temples administer a large area.  On paper, the Grand Temple of Hallisan in Kantoc has jurisdiction over all Hallisan temples everywhere, but in practice they only have authority in East Colassia and West Colassia and then only the humans of these lands.   The Grand Temple of Hallisan in Lunatus has jurisdiction over all Hallisan temples in the Elven Empire,  and paper tiger jurisdiction on elf Guardians elsewhere.   The Grand Temple of Meckelorn effectively has jurisdiction only over dwarf Guardians.   Umera and Penarchia both have at least two temples auditioning for the role of continental Grand Temple.     The various Grand Temples all have the same basic patterns.  Chapel heads put their senior member in charge.  Chapel heads have  vote to select the Temple head and the Temple Heads vote for the Grand Elder.
Religious, Clerical
Length of Term
Lifetime for humans and dwarves. 81 years for elves
Related Organizations

Cover image: Guardian Icon by me


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