Haiyang Empire

The Haiyang Empire is a loose allegory for Ancient China, only underwater.   The Haiyang empire is in a large fertile resource rich valley off of the southwest coast of Penarchia.   The Haiyang Empire is powerful, perhaps the most powerful empire under the sea, but they more than a little isolated, to reach another populated area a Scaraquan has to either swim around the landmass of Penarchia or cross over it so far.


The position of the empress is matrilineal hereditary passing to the most direct female heir of the previous empress.   Positions below the empress are meritocratic with the empress' appointees having to take a written exam, though the very nature of the test means it favor the wealthier literate classes.   Passing the exam will get a Haiyei's fin in the door, but only for the lower ranks of the buearcracy. Advancement in the ranks depends on combination of merit, betrayals, and careful flattery.

Industry & Trade

The Haiyang Empire is wealthy and strong and they have some of the learned scholars and alchemists under the sea. Many of their innovations and creations are widely coveted around all of Scaraqua.


The Haiyang Valley was split between several feuding kingdoms that warred on each other on and off for generations until a clever and ruthless queen forcibly united them and declared herself empress of all Haiyang.


The Haiyang is a vaguely bowl shaped valley bounded by the landmass of Penarchia on the east and undersea mountains on the west that quickly taper off into deeper ocean flors and trenches.

Natural Resources

While the Haiyang Empire is bounded by the Penarchian landmass and a proverbial ocenaic desert it has a lot of resources within it's borders which is dominated by fertile valleys and gently rolling hills, great for undersea agriculture and herding domesticated fish. The edges of Haiyang's territory are rich in mineral resources such as Virdilut.
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
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