Horn of the Dire Wolves

One of the most well known Horns of the Lost Titans in the continent of West Colassia changing hands among the most militant druid followers of Korus.   The Horn of the Dire Wolves, sometimes called the Horn of the Mighty Dire Wolves, when blown, summons a small pack of four dire wolves under the command of the horn blower, assuming the horn blower is in good standing with the nature god Korus. Otherwise nothing happens or else the wolves attack the person blowing the horn.   The wolves typically remain summoned for up to twelve hours and can be summoned once per week.   The four dire wolves cannot truly die, but there are consequences to their temporary destruction. If one or more of the wolves were "killed" on the last summoning, which pushes the time for the next summoning forward three days per wolf previously lost.
Item type
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization

Cover image: Crude draft of Stewards Icon by me


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