King's Lake Nami Temple

The King's Lake Nami Temple is the represeantion of Nami in the Nonagon Plaza of King's Lake.

Purpose / Function

The temple serves as a base for Nami religious observances in the Nonagon Plaza, but it is also a logistical hub for coordinating Rovers throughout Fumaya and beyond, maintaining lines of communication with many Rover temples throughout West Colassia.


The original temple was a pretty spartan building, with a basic sanctuary of wooden benches, some sleeping quarters and a kitchen.   In the 1750s, the local Rovers received a large donation from a Nami-loving adventurer to expand the building into a proper temple. A two story building with beautiful architecture decorated with weathered themed carvings.   The indoor shrine can accomodate up to 120 worshipers at once and the temple can now house 20 people in relative comfort. It is usually half full or less.


Originally, the area served as an administrative center where the local Rovers could meet with representatives other priesthoods or representatives of the king, but they did most of their actual worship elsewhere.   After the temple was rennovated in the 1750s, the Rovers gradually moved more and more of their venerations of Nami to the Nonagon Plaza.
Founding Date
1615 built and consecrated, 1759, reconsecrated after major expansion
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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