Lorshellis the Successor

Lorshellis was an elven fighter known for her tactical acumen as much as her personal fighting ability. She wanted to stay loyal to Malthias' goals and worked with Rallark for a time before the two had a falling out.    The way she saw it, Ralark didn’t fully understand how Malthias was willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. Lorshellis believed that with Malthian’s death, it was up to his loyal followers to bolster the ranks of the vampires.   After fruitlessly searching for the Blood Stone , Lorshellis began making lesser vampires directly, always screening her candidates carefully.    At this point there were already lots of lesser vampires of other lineages who were spell casters. She decided it was foolhardy to not bring in spell casters of her own when the opposition had spell casters. She tends to screen spell casters more carefully than non spellcasters and Lorshellan vampires who are spellcasters are still fairly uncommon. Lorshellis calls herself and his progeny the Malthian vampires. Other vampires call them the Lorshellan vampires.   Lorshellan vampires are few in number and geographically dispersed, but they do their best to maintain communications with each other. Most strive to protect the weak (especially from other vampires) to make up for those they kill while feeding. Unfortunately, some can’t reconcile their thirst for blood with their desire to do good deeds. Many Lorshellans become recluses or suicidal. Others fall down the slippery slope of rationalization until they become petty bullies and tyrants, some have even allied with members of Vladimir’s or Vralic’s broods.    Lorshellis does not have the ability to completely police her own ranks, but she will usually find and destroy any fallen Lorshellan if they get the idea in their head of embracing a large brood of minions. She wants to keep her brood fairly small.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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