Mask Breakers

Lanterns generally dislike Masks as a matter of principle but the Mask Breakers take this to a whole new level.  As their name suggests, their existence is built around attacking the Masks and their associated governments.   The Mask Breakers are not associated with a single spiritual lineage . Most Mask Breakers are so into secrecy that they aren’t going to tell you who their mentor was anyway.  Mask Breakers are developing their own subculture within the Lanterns. They are a lot more secretive and less apt to brag and boast. The Mask Breakers maintain a small number of secret temples that they don’t normally share the location with other Lanterns.  They are also developing some of their own rituals and tradition.   The most obvious tradition unique to the Mask Breakers is that they keep the masks of Phidas priests and warriors they slay as trophies. Another oddity is that they don’t use many lanterns in their temple decor, lest they reveal themselves for who and what they are.   Mask Breakers rarely identify themselves as Lanterns. They identify themselves as cobblers, cooks, tanners, blacksmiths and the like. They rarely identify themselves as artists and musicians, that’s too obvious. They want to move about unseen. They are not too proud to work as a stable boy if that can get them access to the stable of say, a corrupt Baron who happens to have a Mask as an advisor.   There is growing tension between the Mask Breakers and the rest of the Lanterns.  The Mask Breakers tend to be secretive and well hidden and the other Lanterns let their physical and proverbial lanterns shine bright so when the victims of the Mass Breakers acts of violence retaliate they often take out their frustrations on the Lanterns as a whole.   So far the idea of Lanterns violently policing their ranks to curtail Mask Breaker excesses has only been brought up in theory but it's only a matter of time before some sort of ecclesiastical civil war erupts.
Religious, Cult
Parent Organization

Cover image: Crude Lantern Icon by Me


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