Master of Clay

"The Master of Clay" is the informal nickname for the seneschal who oversees the workfoce, tools, and materials of the rich clay quarries in the County of South Lake, the bulwark of Fumaya's famous pottery industry.   Officially, this is a temporary post and is not a hereditary post, but the current Master of Clay is getting older and he has trained his daughter to be his replacement. Few are even half as qualified as her, so she is almost guaranteed to be the next Master of Clay, or "Mistress of Clay" as it were.


The Master of Clay is apointed directly by the king and serves at the pleasure of the king.


The Master of the Clay makes sure the quarry workers are paid and well cared for. He makes sure the clay produced is stored and transported properly, and he takes point in negitiations with potters and merchants trading in Fumayan clay.


The Master of Clay has a nice house and is paid a handsome monthly salary.

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