modern kraken

Kraken are giant, evil tempered squids.  They are fully sapient and not just as smart as people, but they are smart as smart people.   They are fast swimmers and surprisingly agile for their massive size.  They have very acute senses with smell and taste receptors in their suckers.  Some say they have eyes in their tentacles or electrical receptors.  In any event, they seem to have little to no problems navigating in complete darkness.   They have poisonous beaks and two kinds of ink they can release, blinding and poisonous.  The blinding ink just blackens the water while their poisonous ink causes slow loss of physical attributes of those inhaling it.   Most Kraken have modest sorcerous ability, frequently specializing in illusions or transmutation spells.

Civilization and Culture


Believed to be spawn of the the First Kraken, the modern Kraken, while much less powerful than their illustrious forebear, they are very formidable monsters.   Some legends say the First Kraken had children, laying eggs like any other cephalopod but others say it created spawn by fertilizing rocks on the sea floor transforming them into eggs or that it broke into smaller Kraken upon dying.   Whatever the case, Modern Kraken bear the name of their ancestor and have a similar hostile disposition to most other life.  They are mildly loyal to Taedi declaring her their spiritual mother, but they are not very emotionally close to her.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Kraken are a willful cruel lot and do not work well together. They have even more difficulties working with lesser beings, which in their view is everyone that is not a Kraken, even other ruthless highly intelligent Cephalopods.   Kraken are arrogant sadists and delight in causing pain and death on lesser beings.   They do recognize that for all their cunning and might they are vastly outnumbered by the lesser beings and cannot indulge in their blood lust with impunity forcing them to be subtle in their attacks.   A few of them have taking to attacking Scarterran ships figuring that they can avoid an organized response against them if they swim hundreds of miles between attacks to avoid retribution.
Geographic Distribution
Related Myths


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