The First Kraken

Scaraqua has small numbers of massive cunning of kraken swimming the remote dark waters. Massive cephalopods capable of taking down whales.   There was supposedly The First Kraken was of such great size that it dwarfed a modern day kraken the way a great white shark dwarfs a guppy.   Legends are contradictory but Taedi created the First Kraken as her enforcer during a goddess equivalent of a hissy fit. But she accidentally united all the forces in Scaraqua against the First Kraken and by extension her.   After the incident with the First Kraken, Taedi received fewer worship for many generations. Since then, when seeking to bring her enemies low, Taedi has been seeking more subtle means of enacting her wrath.   There is however, a fringe group of Taedi worshipers called the Cult of the Kraken that is seeking to recreate or resurrect the First Kraken.
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