My Spooktober 2022 Contest Page

Here is my Spooktober 2022 contest page.   I got seventeen prompts so far. Since two of them are stories I wrote years ago before World Anvil existed, it might not count, but I have 15 other entries and 15 > 13.   Most of the entries are in my main fantasy world of Scarterra but a couple of them are part of my Warhammer Fantasy fanfiction, which are clearly marked.   I'm sort of winging it. Sometimes I right a vaguely Halloween themed article then find a category. A few times I deliberately wrote an article based one of the key words. I'm planning to keep writing till the deadline sporadically but I'm not seriously aiming to get all 31 prompts.   So far I'm most proud of my Portrait entry which has spawned some spin-off articles such as my Abandoned entry and the Echoes entry. I probably continue to reference Dyrick Mykrrún in other articles long after Spooktober is over.      

Prompt words

    1. Portrait (in words) Dyrik Mykrrún (character)   The worst dwarf villain Scarterra has ever seen.     2. Vanish The Purple Cow of Death (character)   A farcical article about an inside joke in my group of friends.     3. Abandoned Strongmantle Clan (organization)   The honorable relatives of the worst dwarf villain in history trying to cope with the clan dishonor.     4. EnchantDerelethi Venom (Warhammer Fantasy fanfiction, species)   A spider known to be able to create "the poison that heals"     5. Misfortune The Second Unmaking in Scarnoctis (myth)   How the worst cataclysm Scarterra ever saw affected the mortals and creatures living underground.     6. Chasm   7. Thorn     8. Howl Horn of the Dire Wolves   Magic druidic horn allows for the summoning of a pack of obedient dire wolves.     9. Mirror The divine rivalries of Scarterra in broad strokes (meta article)   I talk about how my gods and goddesses often serve as eternal rivals, dramatic foils, and thematic opposites from each other.     10. Broken   11. Escape   12. Slime Collme the Ollum (character)   A minor but flavorful villain character/third wheel in my ongoing RPG campaign     13. Haunt   14. Ruin   "The Fall of Turochlitan" (Warhammer Fantasy fan fiction prose, 1206 word story)   I wrote this short story before World Anvil existed, not for Scarterra but as Warhammer Fantasy fanfiction.   This short story covers a failed attempt by the Lizardmen to create a tribe of Old Ones worshipping humans.   15. Mist   16. Whisper Count Renliss' Journey to Lustria (Warhammer fantasy fanfiction)   I wrote this short story before World Anvil existed, not for Scarterra but as Warhammer Fantasy fanfiction.   This short story covers a pair of vampires' attempt to augment their magical power by drinking the blood of a Slann.     17. Shadow The Shadow Creeper (character)   Malevolent night spirit which abducts naughty gnome children.       18. Spirit Who becomes a theurgist and who does not (law)   In-character narration about who does and doesn't become a theurgist, aka someone with spirtual power   19. Relic   20. Unquiet   21. Shatter dust wraiths (condition)   Incorporeal undead that can create temporary solid bodies out of desert sand.   22. Lock The Wardens of the Barrier (organization)   Warrior/inquisitors who hunt down and kill minions of the Void whereever they can be found.   23. Door   24. Curse   25. Possess   26. Abyss   27. Echo Clan Mykrrún (organization)   The cult carrying on the memory of Dyrik Mykrrún, echoing his evil deeds years after his death.     28. Darkness   29. Hunt dragon spiders (species)   Ancient First Age monster originally bred to slay dragons but now seeking their own agendas.     30. Tear   31. Drown Ritual drownings for Greymoria (tradition)   exactly what it sounds like

Cover image: World Anvil Spooktober 2022 by WA team


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