My Summer Camp 2024 Page

My own Summer Camp Entries

  I got 39 out of 42 prompts done. A new personal best. Hopefully you guys will enjoy reading these. These are in approximate order of how pleased I am with my own work.  
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A myth about food

  I had a lot of fun writing this, and I wrote a tangent article sphaeracibu as background material for this story and I always like to give Scaraqua some love.  
"The Mermaid and the Dragon"
Myth | Jul 28, 2024

apocryphal tale of a young mermaid outwitting a dragon


A settlement that's known as a party town or pleasure city

  No better place to get high than under the sea...  
Settlement | Jul 18, 2024

Oshamni trading port famous for intoxicating vent bubbles


Food often eaten by travelers

  I came up with this concept for "The Mermaid and the Dragon", I'm happy I was able to adapt it to another prompt at the proverbial last minute.  
sphaeracibu, food orbs
Item | Jul 28, 2024

Scaraquan foodstuffs mashed into a ball and preserved with spices for long-term storage


An animal or plant that feeds on decay

Species | Jul 21, 2024

Common bottom feeding fish subject to many polarizing opinions in Scaraqua




A building associated with joy and fun

  I had previously mentioned in passing that the city of King's Lake a former Nami being converted to a restaurant, but I never fleshed out the concept until now.  
the Storm House Eatery
Building / Landmark | Aug 8, 2024

one of Scarterra's first full restaurants


A profession that is considered dirty

  I already wrote poop porters previously, but this is a good companion to them, and I always like to write about kalazotz.  
Insect rancher
Profession | Aug 6, 2024

Kalazotz who know how to rustle up some grub


Slang or a language associated with a religion or belief

Religious Based Slang Terms in Scarterra
Language | Sep 16, 2024

Common religious based vernacular in Scarterra


A sub-culture considered larger-than-life by some

  Admittedly this is a long one (over 4000 words), but I have a lot of material but Swynfaredian dragon bloods are a vital demographic in my main RPG campaign so I have a lot of material to work with.  
Swynfaredian Dragonbloods
Ethnicity | Jul 11, 2024

The sorcery wielding ruling class of Swynfaredia


A displaced people in your world

  In multiple RPG campaigns, I had a nameless tribe of subteranean goblins forced above ground by a massive flood. Now these goblins are nameless no longer.  
Brotula Goblin Tribe
Ethnicity | Jun 30, 2024

a now defunct tribe of subterranean fishing goblins


A building considered a refuge against the world

  Basically every time World Anvil offers me a building prompt, I will use it as an excuse to write about a temple. This is me retconning details to a past "you go visit the oracle there".  
Temple of the Mother's Sight
Building / Landmark | Aug 14, 2024

an ancient temple famous for it's oracles


A charity or other organization focused around doing good

  The hospital has been mentioned a coupel times in passing in my RPG campaign, as Aleesia is a major supporting character that hails from here. Now the hospital has a name and bit of backstory.  
Tapukeah Zeyvem Memorial Hospital
Organization | Jul 9, 2024

a well maintained hospital near the Village of Satyrs


A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis

  I started writing a prompt for "evil spirit" but ended up with "metamorphsis prompt" instead. Go figure.  
Straykel the Death Raptor
Character | Aug 6, 2024

historical tengku with the ability to assume a monstrous fighting form


An evil spirit or divine antagonist

  And then ended up writing this for the evil spirit prompt  
Cyradel, the hungry mist
Character | Jul 21, 2024

ancient skin changer witch who became a unique undead creature


A relic or symbol of belief

  This combines and elaborates on lore I initially created from several other articles.  
Scarterran Holy Symbols in general
Item | Aug 17, 2024

broad overview of holy symbols in Scarterra


A document of spurious or controversial attribution

  Document prompts are always difficult for me to figure out, but I was pondering this historical scandal for some time so I figured out how to shoehorn into a document.  
The Confession of Euros
Document | Jul 19, 2024

An organization fighting corruption

  The rest of the Nine don't trust Phidas much but they trust Phidas to defend the Barrier because it is in his self interest to do so. These are the mortals that indirectly help Phidas in this endeavor.  
the Sentinels of the Barrier
Organization | Aug 19, 2024

inquisitorial Mask-backed organization that hunts down Infernalists and dangerous criminals


A leader or high-ranking person in an organization

Master of Phases
Rank/Title | Aug 21, 2024

Lanterns who plan and coordinate formal worship ceremonies for Zarthus


A tradition that gives comfort

  A basic world buidling article that showcases day-to-day Mera worship.  
Hearth Lighting Ceremonies
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 19, 2024

Ceremonial hearth lighting to invoke Mera's blessing


A settlement considered a refuge

  When I couldn't come up with a good idea for a refuge, my friend suggested a natural harbor so I ran with it.  
Marfa Medina
Settlement | Aug 6, 2024

The Colassian Confederacy's most important port city


A personal item that keeps you safe

  Mostly as an aid for my RPG campaigns, giving PCs more defensive item options. Bracers of Magical Shielding would be a more obvious answer to the prompt but I penned that article well before Summer Camp 2024.  
Caps and Cloaks of Blur
Item | Jul 9, 2024

wearable clothes empowered with the Blur spell


A myth or prophecy about the end of the world

The Ninth Demon Lord will Trigger a Third Unmaking
Myth | Jul 31, 2024

Conspiracy theory on how the Third Unmaking will unfold


A species with protective anatomy

  I've been waffling for some time on how to incorporate the Uktena into Scarterra for some time and just now opted to go with "unorthodox Phidas spirit"  
Species | Jul 14, 2024

a giant snake spirit with the antlers of a stag


A myth, urban legend or conspiracy theory believed by many to be true

  This is a fun idea a friend recommended but as of yet I'm not sure how to apply to this to my fiction stories or RPG campaigns.  
Endless Unmakings Conspiracy Theory
Myth | Jul 13, 2024

A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something

  The king of Fumaya's personal knights, nothing complicated.Not my most exciting article, but I'm never sure what to do with document prompts, and my RPG campaign has long had Swynfaredia as an institutional villain so I wrote up their founding charter.  
Magna Frenhinol
Document | Jul 6, 2024

the founding charter of Swynfaredia


A sickness that caused societal upheaval

  I mentioned proto-ghouls in passing before. Now I expanded the impact it ancient times at least. I'm not sure how to make extinct creatures or lost traditions from ancient times relevant to current stories.  
febricantium, proto-ghoul fever
Condition | Jul 9, 2024

deadly precursor to ghoul fever


A technology used for defense or protection

Ballistae of Scarterra
Technology / Science | Jul 14, 2024

war machines designed to propel large spears great distances


A hybrid species intentionally bred

  I would have preferred something more exotic, but I already wrote articles for various mortal half breeds over a year ago.  
Species | Jul 19, 2024

hybrids of horses and donkeys


A document that changed the course of history

  I'm never sure what to do with document prompts but I do use Swynfaredia a lot in my main RPG campaign, so I came up with their founding charter.  
Magna Frenhinol
Document | Jul 6, 2024

the founding charter of Swynfaredia


A material that is resistant to decay

  I thought it would be hard to write 300 words about magic dust with ONE spell in it, but I ended up writing over 500.  
Repose Dust
Material | Aug 11, 2024

magic dust that halts decay from a corpse


The practices and ceremonies of worship

  Nami is the party goddess so she should have fun filled festivals.  
Nami Annual Celebrations
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 18, 2024

broad tradition of having a wild party to honor the goddess Nami


A naturally sheltered place

  For years, Musseland grew around a nameless inlet, now it has a name.  
Inlet of Plenty
Geographic Location | Jul 21, 2024

A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something

  King Henyk's personal knight. Nothing earth shatteringly unique, but Henyrk is going to war soon so this has relevance to my Torches in the Twillight campaign.  
Royal Knights of Fumaya
Military Formation | Aug 6, 2024

the personal champions of the King of Fumaya


A storyteller, author or bard in your world

  Relatively simple article for a relatively minor character in my RPG campaign  
Cemach the Loquacious
Character | Jul 23, 2024

A well known aging Fumayan storyteller


A geographical region that is expanding

  A fourth wall breaking gag article (I already got 32 prompts so I'm okay with this article's shortcomings)  
Isekai Island
Geographic Location | Aug 30, 2024

an insurance policy just in case someone accidentally gets transported to their own fantasy world


A tradition that represents moral decay

  This was a last minute idea I had as a buzzer beater towards the end of the contest.  
Ogre Rite of Passage Feasts
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 3, 2024

ogre rituals celebrating a young ogre or ogress first "proper meal"


A faction of an organization built around belief

  Another last minute idea, although I had a broad concept for this group rattling around my skull for quite some time  
Lineage of Kimmon
Organization | Aug 6, 2024

A Lantern lineage of wisdom famous for hunting Void demons and undead


A building that was meant to be temporary

  I knew I wanted to write about a temple but I needed a looming deadline to scare my muse into action on this one. A true buzzer beaten that scraped passed 300 words 3 minutes to the deadline.  
Chapel of Tapukeah Agaton
Building / Landmark | Aug 14, 2024

The main Hallisan base in Fumaya's "heel"


Not Scarterra


A vehicle that, when introduced, caused social upheaval

  Writing Warhammer fan fiction is a distant second priority for me beyond developing Scarterra but Lizardmen dipping their talons into the water on sailing ships is very important for Lizardmen stories.  
Wooden Sea Turtles
Vehicle | Jul 1, 2024

the first attempt by Lizardmen to construct wooden sailing ships


A conflict that involved a changing environment

  While the battle was epic and cool, narratively the impact on the arcs of my named prose characters is more important.  
The Scouring Storm
Military Conflict | Jul 30, 2024

A tumultuous region prone to natural disasters

  I've been meaning to fill up my Lustria map with more pins and in all honesty I couldn't come up with a natural disaster prone region in Scarterra to write about.  
Volcanic Islands
Geographic Location | Jul 1, 2024

heavily warded volcanic islands guarding the City of the Dead


Reading Other People's Work


Slang or a language associated with a religion or belief

  I'm a completionist and I like to read ALL of category but that is a little crazy for a category with 130 entries. I am cherry picking the entries here that specifically say "Slang" or "idioms" or "swear words" and similar terms because that is where my primary interest lies.   I specifically like to write this a lot for Scarterra.   Religious Based Slang Terms in Scarterra was written specifically for Summer Camp 2024, but I have written Scarterran Idioms and Swynfaredian Vulgar Argot a while ago.   At some point I plan to add more specific slang terms. I have a few dwarf slang terms and Scaraquan slang terms but they aren't published yet. Three or four idioms does not an article make.   "Elemental Spiritual Sayings" in Erina: I really like the including of traditional blessings, that is something I could use more of in Scartera.   "A Sailor's Tongue" in Stormfarers: Sci-Fi Sailors slang, what's not to like. Well I wish we could have more than three idioms   "Trevylian Slang" in Kalste I like the theme of dancing based slang, but the article was a little short for my taste.   "Tide wishes" in the Ocean this is very intriguing oceanic fantasy terms. In fact, I liked this so much, I opted to follow the world.   "Idioms Abound" in the Oldest Squire. Very nice colorful phrases but I think more explanatory context would helpful.   "Wind-Whistling Language" in the Million Islands: It's not slang terms but it is a very unique idea mixing language and magic.   "Religious Slang in Waking Materia" in Waking Materia: This certainly whetted my appetite to learn more about the world's deities.   Honorable Mentions   "Tilli's Todetse's Guide to Swearing in Nideon" in Nideon, I like the mentions of profanity related to nonhuman biology and the general thoroughness though this felt a little clinical and dry.   "Tongue-Wise" in Pangorio, I like that it is based on proverbs.   "Snowy's Chance in Hell" in ARRHYNSIA interesting slang terms, but a little shorter than I prefer.   "Specter Speak" in Yondervese: An interesting idea with good implementation.  

A myth or legend associated with food

  There is a lot of these, so admittedly I'm skimming them and only giving full reads to the ones that catch my eye for whatever arbitrary reason my monkey brain triggers in my consciousness.   Grandmother's kindness: A very nice, sweet story with just a hint of the macabre.   "The Apple Maiden" in Erisdaire: A bitter sweet tale with a Grimm's Fairy Tale feel. With the awesome premise, a more narrative telling would do the story more justice.   "Coconut devil" in Arcathia: A clever idea that made me crave more, especially exposition.   "The mayor and the crab" in Darta : A fun myth but it could be improved by a moral lesson.   "you'll become a bilge horror!" in Tiburon: Threatening little kids with curses to make them eat their vegetables? Sounds good to me!   "The Legend of Sagey Pie" by Forge Master Janet: I should have known with a name like "Sagey Pie" that Janet had a hand in this one.   "Fishrolles with goat cream cheese" in Sharax Empire: A great story with a religious offering involved.   "The Eldest Tree and the Never-Age Fig" in the Delta Space: An awesome and well-written story with future story implications.   "The Gift of Spice" in The Lost Realms: A nice respinning of the classic story of Prometheus stealing fire to benefit mortalkind.   "Feast for the Bird" in P'ache: Awesome story that is epic and heartwarming.   Honorable Mentions   "Golden Apple" in Swords and Treachery: Simple concept but well presented.   "Shaman Food" in Game of Tomes: I like the dramatic rebranding of "trail mix"   "Lytheros' Banquet" in YA Fantasy : An interesting somewhat grim dark story.   "Fruit of the Sun" in Tales of Radiance: A simple concept well presented and beautifully illustrated.   "Turtles Without Shells" in Terramora: A fun and somewhat weird story.   "Dwarven Cooking" in Oxerune: An unorthodox take on fantasy dwarf food.   "Dragon Meat" in the Ascension War: A nice grimdark food concept.   "On Coalbread" in Ravare: A very unique concept but I'm not sure how to build on t story wise.   "The First Eating Contest" in Kivis: A fun story with a bit of gallows humor in it.   "The Gift of Fish" in the Sealed Kingdoms: A nice blend of science fiction and fantasy.   "The Million-Fruit Great-Tree" in Abholos: A nice story.   The Crazed Cook" in the Offender's Neighborhood: A fun concept   "Copious Rations" in Havenguard: I'm not the only one who cares about how dwarves feed themselves!   "Leitandár and the Beer of Underworld" in Salan: Retelling the Persesphone myth....with beer!   "Tale of the Greedy Swain" in Shadowfire: A well-written if rather grim tale.   "Properties of Pygmy Hydras" in Odezia: A fun take on the classic hydra myth.   "Searing vittles" in Ashrain: Grimdark isn't my usual jam, but this is very well-written.   "Dumplings for peace" in Elviria: Dumplings being sacred, I can get behind this...   "Ammdrais' Folley" in Yranth: I like the idea of a curse being split in half. Sadly likes were not ennabled here.   The Tale and Truth about Dwarven Bacon" in The World of Cartyrion: You got to tell them. Dwarven Bacon is people! We've got to stop 'em. it's not, but it's a fun article.   "Waimana Valley Seed Vault" in Ethnis: In a post apocayptic setting, a seed vault would be a Holy Grail.   "Why Onions make you cry" in Cairn Sector: A very fun story.   "Wishweaver" in Daimon: Relatively benign hallucingenic fruit. Interesting concept.   "You'll Never Die On Blackberries" in Trapper: A fun story[url:]

Articles under My Summer Camp 2024 Page

Cover image: Summer Camp 2024 header by World Anvil Team


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Aug 13, 2024 01:24

Thank you for featuring my article!

From The River to The Ocean, a civilization grows up.
Aug 16, 2024 16:36 by Mochi

Thank you so much for featuring Specter Speak! I really enjoyed writing that, languages are tough for me :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 29, 2024 15:19 by K.S. Bishoff

Thanx for including my article!

Come vist my worlds
Aug 31, 2024 13:01 by Jeffrey Lebowski

Thank you for featuring Turtles Without Shells! Best of luck in the awards ceremony today!

Aug 31, 2024 15:53 by Adam Tingley

Thanks for including my article. Dwarves have got to get their calories in too!