Rowraek dragons

"Rowraek dragons" normally refers to dragon toys and dragon puppets that breathed very weak, theoretically harmless fire. Technically "Rowraek Dragons" do not have to be literally shaped liked dragons. Most are, but Rowraek Dragons can take almost any form.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Rowraek dragons usually use a bellow to spray a light amount of flammable liquid while flint and steel is used to ignite the liquid.   If the Rowraek dragon takes the form of a puppet, they are usually made from flame resistant alchemical treated cloth, the same sort that is used to fireproof ragdoll golems.   Usually a Rowraek dragon has to be refilled with liquid after one or two fiery blasts, but some larger versions can hold extra fuel.


Alchemist's fire is one of the deadliest and most well known applications of alchemy every created. The formula for alchemist's fire was developed over two thousand years ago and remains unchanged.   Many alchemists have tinkered with the formula over the centuries, and all have failed
by Me with Midjourney
  Many sought to make more hotter burning versions of alchemist's fire. Some have wanted to make cheaper versions of alchemist's fire. Some have sought to make easier to transport or aim alchemist's fire. Every attempt to make a better version of alchemist's fire failed. Sometimes injuring themselves, but usually just wasting time and resources chasing an uncatchable bird.   Rowraek the satyr alchemist was used to dealing with failure. He took another alchemist's formula for a very version of alchemist's fire and tinkered with it to make it weaker still. His goal was to make a version of fire that was harmless but looked impressive, eventually succeeding, mostly.   Since he lived in Swynfaredia and the Swynfaredia upper class loved dragons and every aspect of draconic culture, he made his fake fire spewers look like dragons.   Swynfaredia already frequently had dragon puppet shows. Rowraek loved making stage props and created dragon puppets that could breath fire, but he found few buyers since most high end Swynfaredian puppet shows employed illusionists would could make better looking fake fire by magic.   Ultimately Rowraek had to market his product as a toy for children rather than a prop for stagecraft and he made a relative pittance. Like many of Rowraek's inventions, they didn't catch on until after Rowraek passed away.   Swynfaredia has so many illusionists among their upper classes, no one really cared about Rowraek dragons, but an enterprising tengku obtained a dusty Rowraek dragon and a copy of Rowraek's notes and marketed "Rowraek dragons" to stage performers in distant lands who did not have ready access to illusion magic.


by Me using Hero Forge
-Sir Pie Eater, satyr faun and Kantoca court jester
Rowraek dragons let kids play with fire with no risk of injury or property damage.   Unless they are using their dragon toys near a stack of parchment OR a flask of oil OR a bale of hay OR if it's the dry season.   Well done Rowraek, now my nieces and nephews have something to keep occupied with when they aren't practicing their knife juggling!
Item type
Related Technologies
uncommon due to low demand

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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