satyr fauns

Fauns are a commonly accepted colloquial term for the native satyr population of Land of Kantoc though they have migrated to other regions in small numbers and there are satyrs in Kantoc that do not consider themselves Fauns.   While most satyrs are opposed to theft and rape and are offended by the stereotype that all satyrs are thieves and rapist. Fauns are said to overcompensate in their attempts to appear non-threatening to humans. Fauns are distinct from other satyrs in that they are fairly pacifistic relative to other satyrs and they are less overt with their sexuality, especially regarding outsiders. Some other satyr herds derogatively call them "domesticated goats."   In the land of Kantoc and their direct predecessor Fallen Kingdom of Gerlaria had a unique history that caused the local Fauns to grow to be distinct from other satyrs elsewhere. Namely carrots and sticks.   First, throughout their local history, there were some famously villainous satyrs that triggered violent retributive responses from the local human authorities. Sometimes this led to witch hunts that led to innocent satyrs being persecuted or even killed. This led to satyrs compensating by putting up a nonthreatening façade.   Second, there were some very charismatic satyr evangelists that converted a lot of satyrs to move from following Nami as their primary spiritual patron to following Mera as their primary patron. This led to satyrs legitimately adopting pacifistic and peaceful practices as a matter of course.   Indirectly, the horsemanship and martial culture of the Kantoca humans have also blunted the Fauns martial edge. A satyr is fast enough to outrun most opponents on foot, but they are not nearly as fast as equestrians. Also, Kantoca knights' chivalric codes push the moral value of protecting the weak, and Mera worshipers in particular meaning most Fauns in Kantoc don't need to hone their martial skills much.   There are exceptions, most satyrs of any stripe teach their children wrestling from a young and value athletic prowess so even fauns are not completely helpless in physical altercations but fauns rarely have much to compete with the martial subcultures found in the other satyr herds.   Even more than other satyr herds, fauns are disproportionately likely to become entertainers. They also commonly work as farmers, brewers, winemakers, artists, and poets. While less prone to handicrafts as other satyr herds, it is not uncommon to find indivdual fauns working skilled crafting trades such as blacksmiths, book binders, scribes, leather workers, and more. They are also disproportionatley likely to take up the cloth, especially for Mera or Korus.   While there are not a whole lot of jesters in Kantoc, Kantoc jesters are disproportionately fauns. Fauns are generally viewed as non-threatening so a savvy fauns can get away with being able to directly criticize the duke or king whereas local humans or gnomes could not.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Fauns grow up learning Common as their mother tongue. Fauns frequently but not always learn Elven as a second language.   Fauns rarely make an effort to learn lots of languages unless their vocation requires them to interact with a diverse group of people or requires them to be especially literate. A majority of fauns can read but they are unlikely to be full on scroll heads.

Culture and cultural heritage

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  Like most satyrs, fauns enjoy music and dancing. They enjoy a wide variety of instruments and musical styles but pan pipes are the single most popular musical instrument and there is a general preference for wind instruments.

Art & Architecture

Fauns favor living in minimalistic homes and favor simple architectures but they value art in all forms, especially painting. They are famed for painting beautiful murals and some faun painters are sought out by wealthy patrons to decorate the walls of their manors and banquet halls.

Foods & Cuisine

Fauns, like most satyrs are not picky eaters in general, but most fauns rarely partake in eating meat. They especially favor fruit and some can be gourmets using spices and herbs as flavoring agents very carefully.
Encompassed species
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Articles under satyr fauns

Cover image: by Me using Hero Forge


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