satyr clop dancing floors

Satyr clop dancing floors are portable hardwood floors set up to give satyr clop dancers a suitable resonant surface to dance on whereever they travel.


comissioned portrait of Aleesia the Satyr by Zeta Gardner
-Aleesia the Satyr
  Satyr clop dancing was invented by the Sea Goats clopping around the decks of sailing ships but the dance style made its way inland.   A common saying is a satyrs drums are their feet. I often clop my hooves while sitting or standing in place during a singalong, but I never learned clop dancing myself. I did have an Auntie Goat who used to be in a clop dancing troupe called 'Rosaniya's Clopping Angels'.
  One difficulty when you are not on a wooden ship is that ground or floor does not always echo your CLOPS as well a goat would like. The Clopping Angels made up for this by carrying wood panels in a wagon with them as they traveled and setting up their own dance floor before every show.   Not many satyrs pick up alchemy as their primary trade, but WAY BACK there was a billy alchemist in Swynfaredia known as Rowraek. While other alchemists made medicines or poisons Rowraek made stage props.   You don't need to be an alchemist to plop a plank of wood in a field, but Rowraek made planks of wood that were scuff resistant, slip resistant and resonated sound well so future generations of clop dancers would always have a good piece of floor to dance on.   A course a human alchemist stole his notes and made a cheaper wood treatment to make scuff resistant hardwood floors. He then sold it to rich dragonbloods to adorn their manor houses and Rowraek didn't see a penny for this, but we satyrs honor his name.
Current Location
Related ethnicities
Uncommon but relatively easy to make
Raw materials & Components
Hardwood planks are cut to carefully fit together with glues to tighten the bonds and an alchemical mixture is used to harden the wood further. The echoing effect is primarily created by making the floor hollow.

Cover image: me with Midjourney


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Feb 5, 2024 22:01 by Keon Croucher

I love this article. Its fun, the story has a nice little twist, and human alchemist is a nice touch too, the whole thing is a fun concept to use for Music for the CoC challenge, its awesome, I like it very much.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization