satyr clop dancing

A common saying is a satyrs drums are their feet. They frequently stomp their feet to establish rhythm or punctuate dramatic music points.   Satyr takes this to an extreme. Similar to modern Irish step dancing or modern tap, satyrs tap or stomp their hooves to provide percussion to singing or musical instruments.


Satyr clop dancing evolved gradually as satyr musicians began experimenting with using more hoof stomping until it diverged into its own musical genre.   Satyr clop dancing was mostly pioneered by the Poseidonus satyr herd who would developed their art stomping around the decks of ships during doldrum winds.   As Poseidonus satyrs mingled with their inland cousins, and a few clop dancing troupes traveled inward, this style of performance gradually spread to other satyr herds.


Satyr clop dancers use careful choreography to mix auditory pleasing sounds with visual spectacle.


Some satyr clop dancing troupes incorporate non-satyrs to play instruments, sing, set up props, or collect admission but in order to actually do clop dancing, one has to have to have hooves so non-satyrs cannot physically do this.   Human tap dancing has not caught on in Scarterra yet and maybe never will with the stiff headwinds of satyr competors blowing against them.


Clop dancing is often folded into other performance but full on clop dancing troupes are usually secular performance groups that travel widely.   A lot of clop dancing troupes are barely making enough coins to get by, but the expenses are low and satyrs remain fond of the performance style so the tradition continues.

Articles under satyr clop dancing

Cover image: commissioned Posiedonous Satyr couple by Zeta Gardner


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