Single or Finite Use Magical Items

For simplicity, all such items carry the three-success version of their respective spell.   Finite Magical items come in five basic categories. Potions, scrolls, staffs, wands, and duration items. These terms do not have to be literal. A "potion" can come in the form of a chewable, a powder, an oil, or a number of other things. A "staff" can be a literal staff or it could be an enchanted brooch or the hilt of a word or almost anything.     Potions: Any one-use magical item that can be easily be used by anyone. Usually this takes the form of a drinkable liquid, but it can be an oil rubbed on a weapon, or an arrow fired from a bow.     Scrolls: Any one-use magical item that can only be normally used by a spell-caster. Arcane scrolls can be used by arcane casters and divine scrolls can be used by divine casters. This is usually but not always a spell written on a sheet of special parchment.     Staffs: Staffs are like repositories of stored potions. They can be used by anyone who knows the command word.     Wands: Wands are like repositories of stored scrolls. They can be used by anyone who knows the command word and the core fundamentals of the magic involved.     Duration Items: Duration items are magical items that provide effects for several hours. In most cases, this takes the form of a magical candle. When the candle burns out, the magic expires.

Market Prices for Finite Magical Items

    ● items 55 cp (potion) 33 cp (scroll)   44 cp per staff charge 27 cp per wand charge     ●● items 180 cp (potion), 144 cp (scroll)   144 cp per staff charge 116 cp per wand charge     ●●● items 65 silver (potion) 52 silver (scroll)   52 silver per staff charge 42 silver per wand charge     ●●●● items 150 silver (potion), 120 silver (scroll)   120 silver per staff charge, 96 silver per wand charge     ●●●●● items 400 silver (potion) 320 silver (scroll)   320 sp per staff charge 256 sp per wand charge

Articles under Single or Finite Use Magical Items


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