Sir Anatol Palbuc II the Brave

Sir Anatol Palbuc, II (a.k.a. the Brave)

Lord Anatol Palbuc II was the fourth child, second son of Duke Albas Palbuc the Coward. Albas did not want his sons to be called cowards and he named both of them after tough famous ancestors of his. Anatol II was named after his forebear Duke Anatol Palbuc the Brash.   Like his older brother Eduard Palbuc II, Anatol was very gifted being skilled with a pen and a sword. If anything, he was a better warrior than his brother though perhaps not as diplomatic. He became a knight as soon as he could.   Anatol was very loyal to his older brother, Eduard, and did not begrudge him as the heir but Anatol was thirsty to prove himself. He took to the the Dragons' Path and had a successful quest or two before he met an untimely end like many adventuers do.   After his remains were brought back to him, his brother Eduard made sure that all would remember his brother as Anatol the Brave and commissioned a statue in his honor.   When Anatol died, his wife was pregnant. He was named Anatol Palbuc III and raised by his uncle Eduard.  
1623 CE 1647 CE 24 years old
Circumstances of Death
adventure gone wrong

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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