The moon and disguises

Zarthus is the god of the moon and he styles himself both the literal and spiritual light in the darkness. He pursues a self imposed mission to expose hidden evils and one of his tools is the moon.   Supernatural disguises are more difficult on the night of a full moon. Anyone wearing a false form gets splitting headaches on the night of a full moon, even worse if they are exposed directly to moonlight.   Metamorphs commonly choose to remain indoors and rest during this time.   Because false forms and magical disguises are more difficult on the night of a full moon (and metamorphs are seriously weakened, some very high level diplomatic meetings and the like are held during the full moon.   Lycanthropes are affected more severely by the full moon, making them pained and agitating if not wearing their hybrid forms. The light of the full moon them for are for all to see, so most don't bother wearing a form other than their battle form.     On or near the night of the full moon, illusion or transmutation magic intended to create false forms are at +2 difficulty to cast. This also applies to divine magic such as the advanced levels of Animal.   Willpower rolls against magical compulsions are -1 difficulty on or near the night of the full moon, -2 if exposed to direct moonlight.   A character wearing a supernatural false form has headaches. Characters can roll Willpower to power through the headaches. The roll is difficulty 6 if indoors, difficulty 7 in outdoor places with air cover like a forest canopy, or difficulty 8 if exposed to direct moonlight. Failure means the character suffers a one-die penalty on all rolls. A botch means the character suffers a two-dice penalty.   Natural shapeshifters and infected lycanthropes roll +1 difficulty on the numbers above. Direct moonlight will reveal a lycanthropes hybrid form to even casual onlookers.   Characters can roll Perception + Empathy to try to detect disguised individuals pretending not to have splitting headaches.  
by me with Hero Forge
"The full moon impedes magical disguise with Zarthus' grace but mundane disguises are not affected."   -Gaatha of Musseland Lanterns
Eron12 with Hero Forge by Eron12 with Hero Forge
"Ain't true! My second cousin tried to sneak somewhere with a fake wig during a full moon and a gust of wind come outta nowhere and blew the wig clean off!"   Zakarel of Marshlandia
    Non-magical disguises do not cause headaches and they are not harder to create on or near a full moon unless the person applying the disguise is very superstitious. Though speaking of superstitions, there are a lot of anecdotal tales of mundane disguises being ruined by unusual coincidences, such as water spilling on someone unexpectedly and smearing their makeup.


If anyone has seen the first Pirates of the Caribean movie how the moonlight reveals the skeletons and rotting flesh fo the cursed pirates, it is a similar process ofr Scarterran lycanthropes but it usually reveals bestial fur and elongated claws and fangs.
This is an extension of a Spooktober 2023 entry
Metaphysical, Divine


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