Zakarel, Part-Time Hunter, Part Time Fisherman, Part-Time Military Scout

Zakarel only has a couple quotes so far, but I intend to give him more voice in the future. He is the point of view character for the East Colassian realm nicknamed "Marshlandia".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zakarel is a fairly well-traveled Marshlander, a consumate survialist, and a leader in his local militia.   He is also a liason between the Marshlander humans and the Marshlander goblins, a position he does not advertise to the humans of the Colassian Confederacy who disapprove of the Marshlanders "soft stance" on goblins.   Zakarel is a savant at stealth, hunting, trapping, and fishing (at least in the bayou) in large part because he was taught techniques by goblins.
This is an extension of a Spooktober 2023 entry.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1789 CE 49 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Zarthus' Zodiac Year, Phidas' Zodiac Month
a large floating raft
dirty green
dirty orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
reddish brown
Known Languages
Common, Elven (goblin dialect)

Cover image: Eron12 with Hero Forge by Eron12 with Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: Eron12 with Hero Forge by Eron12 with Hero Forge


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