bone shaping

Bone shaping is a rare magic application practiced primarily by barbarian tribes.   "Bone shaping" does not always refer to simple bones. This can be formed on horns, tusks, and antlers as well as common bones.   Usually these bone shaped items are intended to be enchanted into magical items or created for ritual uses.   Most Bone Shapers take their craft seriously and do not use this power casually, preferring to only shape the bones, horns, tusks, and antlers of very important creatures. Also, in some cases antlers, horns, or bones obtained in specific ritual ways and then crafted by a Bone Shaper at auspicious mystical times can make the entire bone shaped object count as a very valuable durable reagent making the whole item easy to magically enchant. For instance, a wild-born giant reindeer slain on an auspicious night by a great hunter whose antlers are crafted on Winter's Eve could very easily be made into a potent magic spear.   Some sociopaths like to make grisly trophies out of the bones of defeated enemies for psychlogical warfare or for necromancers wanting to show off their disturbing artistic sides.   Boneshaping is "Instant" in game terms, though casting actually takes ten minutes in reality


The main effect fuses and/or reshapes parts of bone, antler, or horn into various functional shapes.   For instance, a bone shaper could take an antler and use her magic to transfigure the antlers to make them straighter and reshape the jutting prongs into the mass of the shafter to make a spear, made out of antler.


A theurgist or favored soul needs to purchase a two-point Merit "Bone Shaper" and the prequisates for this Merit are Animal ●●● and Crafts ●●●.   Less commonly, A Bone Shaper can have the prequisates Necromancy ●●● and Crafts ●●● though relatively few necromancers opt to learn this power. It is usually easier to just give an undead creature a metal weapon.   Unsurprisingly, most Bone Shapers are affiliated with Korus or Maylar but it is not unheard of for other theurgists to become bone shapers.   Boneshaping is known among among mages as a relatively rare Third Circle Necromancy spell or a Third Circle Transmutation spell.   A mage that has is a Necromancer and a Transmuter can purchase the spell at a discounted rate, taking a prereq for every dot of the other school possessed.

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Material Components
The process expends a modest amount of common reagents based on size and complexity of the feat attempted.   Turning a six inch horn into a six inch knife would take about 5 drams of reagents and turning a pair of antlers into a spear would expend about 25 drams.
Gestures & Ritual
Common divine spheres can use almost almost any holy symbol to cast magic, but bone shaping requires using a holy symbol crafted out of bone or horn.
Related School
Transmutation, Necromancy
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
About ten minutes
3 dots

Cover image: by Me with Midjourney


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Jul 21, 2024 13:11

What a fantastic cultural use of magic

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying