Count of South Lake

The Count of South Lake is the ruler of County of South Lake which is subordinate to the Duchy of Linijka and by extension the Duke of Linijka.   Generally, the Count of South Lake is only talked about separately from the Duke of Linijka for the purpose of tax collection.


Heriditary title passed to the most direct male heir of th previous holder.


Manages the defense and general welfare of the people of South Lake. In theory, they have a duty to pay taxes to the Duke of Linijka, but the Duke of Linijka is usually the same person as the Count of South Lake.


The Count of South Lake owns the magic font and the clay quarries in South Lake and collects 100% of the profits from these places.   The Count of South Lake can collect taxes and fees from all the denizens of South Lake.


For most it's history, the Count of South Lake, the Duke of Linijka, and the King of Fumaya are the same man.   Sometimes, when a king gets old and grey, he will abidicate the Count title to his heir apparent before his death.
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Cover image: Fumaya National Crest-1 by Me via World Spinner's Heraldry Generator


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