ducks of Scarterra

Both wild and domesticated Scarterran ducks are fairly similar to real world Earthian Ducks.   The main difference is that, like pretty much all living things in Scarterra, ducks they are subject to the effects of Scarterran elemental metaphysics. By the said rules of metaphysics, almost all ducks have modest to dominant watery traits. That means blue and green duck feathers are fairly common.   Ducks are waterfowl, and you can never take the water completely out of a duck, and you never see a duck without visible watery, but some ducks have fairly muted watery traits. Your basic watery duck has mostly blue, green, or blue-green feathers. They are the default standard of "duck" in most Scarterrans' minds.  
Especially earthy ducks tend to have brown, grey, or black feathers. Earthy-watery hybrid ducks lean towards green mixed in with above colors. Most areas that produce these sorts of hybrid ducks are densely populated with humans or other humanoid mortals.   Being nice and meaty while also being relativey slow flyers mean that wild ducks in these places very popular game animals.
by me with Midjourney
  Usually local lords implement harsh limits to avoid having the local wild duck population hunted to extinction.   Earthy-watery hybrid ducks are also the most popular domesticated variety of duck. They are bigger the other ducks on average and lay correspondingly larger eggs. They are also more sedentary and less apt to run away than other duck varieties.  
Ducks with dominant airy traits typically have white or light grey feathers. More common are ducks with mixed watery/airy traits. Such often manifest very light shades of blue or green. Airy ducks are faster flyers than most other ducks and are generally more migratory. They can handle cold temperatures easier and don't require as much food as other ducks.   Most airy ducks are wild. A few humans living in colder climates keep domesticated airy ducks but they have a tendency to escape their enclosures and wander off, even if their wings are clipped.
by me with Midjourney
Ducks with co-dominant watery/fiery elemental heritage in the tropical and subtropical regions of Scarterra. They come in a wider variety shapes and colors than other ducks, especially among the wild ducks.
by Eron12 with Hero Forge
-Almon Genmaer, grey elf sailor
Generally domestic ducks are selectively bred for their egg production rather than their coloration. but some wealthy lords and ladies in both human and elven territories like to keep domesticated ducks with beautiful or exotic color patterns as a status symbols.   Though if you are going that far, you might as well keep peacocks. If beast lays an egg, you can probably eat it. Peacock eggs, or rather peahen eggs taste pretty good though I only had them once.

Ducks in Scarterran Culture

Geese usually mate for life, ducks don't. But ducks couples long enough that seem to they mate for life to a casual observor. Also, clearly ducks flock together so they value their broader social ties.   I don't think Mera, the Benevolent Mother had a hand in creating ducks, but since Mera is a goddess of both water, peace, and community, it makes sense that a peacefully dispositioned race of water fowl became known as a living symbol of Mera's benevolence...It doesn't hurt that ducklings are so darn cute.
  You see a lot of ducks involved in Mera themed artwork. Our rural temples have a lot of decorative fountains and ponds. Since these water features are going to attract ducks anyway, we often choose to keep free ranging ducks on our temple grounds.   We Tenders of the Hearth like ducks, but we don't treat them as sacred animals. I enjoy a roast duck dinner as much as the next gnome.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Wild ducks have a yearly mating cycle, typically lay 8 to 12 eggs.   Ducks do not mate for life but they tend to stay coupled till next mating season at least. Female ducks incubate eggs for about 35 days before the ducklings hatch. Males act as a roving sentry to ward off predators.
  Wild ducks can fend for themselves after about 30 to 40 days but they often stay close to their parents for their first year of life.   Domestic ducks tend to produce eggs year round. Domestic Ducks that are selectively bred for their egg laying capabilities average around 0.7 eggs per day.

Ecology and Habitats

Ducks like water and need water. They don't need water constantly, but you are not going to find wild ducks in many dry areas and domesticated ducks are harder to keep in relatively dry areas..  
Validx Illustration, parchment version by Zeta Gardner
-Grandpa Valdix, elderly gnome farmer
"I hear Fumaya has more ducks per person than anywhere else in Scarterra. I've never seen the rest of Scarterra but I believe it.   Fumaya is sometimes called 'the Land of the Lakes', but I think that is only because 'Land of the Duck Ponds' doesn't sound as dignified or awe inspring.   The Fumayan countryside is dotted with many ponds that are too small to support large edible fish and too shallow to provide good drinking water without boiling it and filtering it. At the same time, but they are too large to easily remove for planting crops. At best you can could dredge such a pond till it turns into a mud wallow for pigs.
  We gnomes have old saying is 'Better put some ducks in it' which means you "make the best use of what you are given'. A lot of family farms have a duck pond or two because these spots of land aren't good for much else.   Having lots of small ponds lets you rotate your ducks through from one to another, so the insects and other things ducks like to eat can replenish and also keeps any one pond from accumulating more duck droppings than the pond can handle at once.  
We gnomes were the first to regularly keep ducks on our homesteads, but we shared our lore of duck keeping with the lcoal humans and generations later, ducks are practically the national bird of Fumaya. Human lords are usually prefer mightier birds, but high born gnomes are less proud. I bet you'll never guess what the gnome Baron Salryn Blueduck has for his family crest...
by me with Midjourney

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ducks are true omnivores and are very opportunistic foragers that are excellent at adapting to whatever local food sources are available.   As meat eaters they can hunt and eat various worms, insects, small snakes, shellfish, crustaceans, snails and more. Ducks also sometimes eat carrion.   As plant eaters ducks can forage for edible land plants or aquatic plants, leaves, seeds or roots.
  Ducks are surprisingly good at swallowing hardshelled things like clam shells or snail shells, digesting the meaty bits and excreting the shells. Likewise they digest the nutrient dense parts of plants while excreting the rest pretty efficiently.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ducks couples are serially monogamous usually staying together until the ducklings can fend for themselves than splitting.   Both domesticated and wild ducks usually form flocks instinctively.


by Eron12 with Hero Forge
-Green Reverend Brynn
Ducks are kept as domesticated farm animals throughout Scarterra. They are usually kept for their eggs primarily and their meat secondarily.   They produce bigger and more nutrient eggs than chickens but they cost a bit more to feed and generally take up more space than chickens. In wet areas, duck ponds are common on many peasant farms. In dryer areas, duck ponds are limited to the estates of the wealthy.
  Ducks can and often do eat food meant for humans. If a farmer isn't careful, his ducks will poach his crops. But with careful management, ducks can help crops better by eating insects and weeds, and unwanted plant husks.   Rice farmers in Penarchia are especially good at this, keeping duck ponds and rice paddies near each other and selectively releasing ducks into the rice paddies to eat insects and rice husks while fertilizing the fields with their droppings.

Facial characteristics

by me captioning a meme template from Imageflip

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wild ducks might have existed in wider area in ancient times, but in the the Third Age, wild ducks are mostly limited to the continent of West Colassia. Because wild ducks fly and migrate, there are many subspecies adapted to the various biomes and localized climates found throughout the continent.
West Colassia 11-15-21 Map Base Map Image
by Me with Wonderdraft
  There are small numbers of wild ducks in the equatorial tropical islands of Scarterra and the northern semi-tropical regions of Umera. They appear to be the direct off-shoots of the semi-tropical ducks in the southern most regions of West Colassia.   Domesticated ducks have been transplanted to pretty much every corner of Scarterra, and are especially popular in Umera.

Average Intelligence

by Me with Hero Forge
-Uncle Lanpos
"I just unstuck a duck.   It was snagged by the handle of a bucket and couldn't get out. Driven by their watery nature, ducks are nautrally curious and exploratory but they are generally better at getting into trouble than getting out of it.   Ducks are fairly intelligent beasts, but they aren't as smart as dogs.   I guess if ducks were as smart as dogs, I wouldn't want to eat them—No I refuse to listen to you tell me that pigs are smarter than dogs. You will not NOT ruin bacon for me!"

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A duck sight is its primary sense. All ducks are either flyers or descended from flyers so they unsurprisingly have have excellent long distance vision and a wide degree of peripheral vision. This comes at the cost of depth perception and they often move adorably their heads from side to side to compensate for this.   Duck beaks are very sensitive to touch and this helps them forage for food in murky water. Their sense of smell and taste is more than up to the task to help them ferret out tasty food morsels and avoid inedible detrius.

This article was written for Duckuary 2024

wild: 5-10 years, domesticated 10-15, a few lucky ducks can survive up to five years past the norm
Average Weight
1.5 to 3.5 pounds wild, 1 to 5 pounds domestic
Average Length
22 inches, give or take
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Varies, but blue, green and brown are especially common. Mallards tend to be more brightly colored than hens.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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