Frydal Dzielny the Valiant

Baron Frydal Dzielny (a.k.a. the Valiant)

After the Battle of Red Streams, Frydal found all his soldiers declaring him Baron, so he kind of rolled with it and was coronated the first House Dzielny.   Frydal married the daughter of the nearby Merchant Principality of Centrum. They have four daughters and one son.   Baron Frydal wants to rule wisely and justly but he is a commoner born and is not particularly well versed in statecraft. He relies heavily on the advice of his wife and courtiers and as old age has set in, his son is doing more of the day-to-day rulership duties.   His oldest son (48) and heir Detlef Dzielny the Dark has three sons. (22, 20, 17) and all of them could classify as being scroll heads.   His oldest daughter (49) joined the Guardians and chose to be celibate. She is the second in command of the local Hallisan Chapel though given the advanced age of the woman serving as Chapel Mother, she handles most of the day-to-day leadership duties.   His second eldest daughter (45) married the previous Baron of the Barony of Bees. When the Baron was pushed out and then mysteriously disappeared, his widow and their son (21) got offered a modest but productive chunk of farmland and honey trees so they live as well off Yeomen.       His second youngest daughter (42). married one of her father's trusted lieutenants and had three sons (17, 11, and 8) and a daughter (14).   The eldest son is training as a wizard. He embodies the extreme negative stereotypes of a scroll head.and is lacking greatly in social skills and physical skills. His younger brothers have yet to truly show their future aptitudes or ineptitudes as potential leaders. The daughter is trying to convince her parents to let her be a lady knight.     His youngest daughter (40), married one of her father's trusted lieutenants and had three sons (19, 18, 16) and a daughter (14). All of her children are loyal to the Dzielny family and seem content to serve the realm without any resentment for not being in the succession order (or if they are resentful, they are hiding it well).   The oldest son is a bit of a family disappointment being a bit lazy, but at least he is charming and likable.   The second son is a wunderkind skilled with a quill and a sword. He is planning to be a knight and a courtier in his grandfather's/uncle's Barony.   The youngest son is a bit of scroll head, socially awkward and not great at martial pursuits, but he is hoping to be the realm's steward some day.   The daughter is a bit of a tomboy interested in mountaineering, swords, and bows, but also able to play the role of a proper lady and is respected for her charm, charisma, and beauty though she finds books and ledgers boring.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1759 CE 79 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by me


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