Fumaya Observed Holidays

Maylar 10/Afternike 10Hearth Day    Apex of Maylar Maylar 20/Afternike 20:  Token observance to placate Maylar.   Imbolc Mera 6/Horning 16:  Token observance or ignored in most of Fumaya but the Duchy of Palbuc mimics wood elf observance of this "Tween Day"   Mera 20/Horning 30:  Mera's Zenith, ignored in most Fumaya but a very big deal in King's Lake.   Korus 11/Verdance 1,  The official start of Spring.  Important for planting schedules but not really a holiday.   Korus 20/Verdance 10, the Apex of Korus.  A very important national holiday.  A somber planting festival seeking Korus' blessing for the next year's crops.   Nami 16/Afterverdance 16,  The Beltaine "Tween Day," The Duchy of Palbuc makes a big celebration of the onset of Spring on this day, but most Fumayans don't ascribe much spirituality here.  It is considered a good time to have weddings, especially among commoners.   Greymoria 16/Thrimlich 26,  Summer's Eve, token observance only to placate Maylar.     Greymoria 21, Embers 1, The first day of Summer, important for farmers to know but not a holiday.   Khemra 11, Midsummer 1:  Gift Day, only observed in the Duchy of Frymar, the one day when Duke Nanda Frymar reluctantly opens up his purse strings.   Khemra 20, Midsummer 10:  Token observance of Khemra's day performed by the nobility.  Generally ignored by the Commoners.   Khemra 26, Midsummer 16:  Midsummer "Tween Day."  This is the one Tween Day that most Fumayans observe.  This is Fumaya's main holiday in Nami's honor with lots of music, drinking, and feasting.  The king and many of his vassal usually try to sponsor a festival and pay for some entertainers. Since his coronation, King Henryk has taken to making a random servant "King for a Day" as a sign of humility.     Zarthus 20/Hayseed 20, Zarthus Apex.  Token observance by the nobility.  The commoners often arrange a modest feast with friends and family.  In the Duchy of Nerozik the nobles will sponsor a feast and/or festival on behalf of their citizens.   Zarthus 31, Harvest 1. The official start of Autumn.  Not really a holiday.  Everyone is too busy pitching in with the harvest.   Hallisan 10, Harvest 20,  The main harvest celebration in Fumaya with lots of prayers of thanksgiving to Korus and the rest of the Nine in general.   Hallisan 21, Blooding 1, Winter's Eve.  Token observance from most commoners.  Nobles celebrate Hallisan's Apex instead mostly putting on a show for the Guardians.   Hallisan 36, Blooding 16, Samhain "Tween Day", and the Day of the Dead.  Minor token offerings given to Greymoria, plus the honored dead are memorialized.   Phidas 20, Forenike 10, Phidas' Apex.  Token observances are the norm.   Phidas 30, Forenike 30, War Against the Darkness.  Zarthus holiday that is a fairly big deal in Fumaya.   Turoch 1-5, Nike 1-5, New Year's observance, nearly universal in all Scarterra.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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