Grand Khemra Temple of Fumaya

The Grand Khemra Temple of Fumaya is the only real Keeper run temple in all of the land of Fumaya operating out of Fumaya's capital of King's Lake in the Nonagon Plaza.   For generations, there has been talk about creating additional satellite temples in the rest of Fumaya, but no consensus on where to build it though in the last year, the Duchy of Zimoz has been moving in a pro-Khemra direction and the Fumayan Keeper's number two cleric, Udom is based there.   Most of Fumayan Keepers are accostomed to traveling where most of the members are okay pitching a tent by the side of the road. That said, the Fumayan Keepers try to build bridges with the other religious groups of Fumaya. They frequently have traveling members stay at other temples or in the homes of pious Fumayans, both noble and commoner.

Purpose / Function

The main purpose was and is to provide a logistical and ecclesiastical base for all Keepers operating within the land of Fumaya.   A secondary purpose that evolved over time is that the temple became a hub for scholarship and learning, as it now houses the largest all-purpose library in Fumaya. There are other libraries elsewhere but almost all of them are specialized towards one field: magic, alchemy, medicine, etc.   At any given time, there are at least two or three acolytes carefully copying a book or scroll. This is major source of income for the temple and this is also how the obtain new books. They trade copies of books they have to obtain copies of books they don't.


The temple has been rennovated and expanded over the generations, largely to accomodate the growing library. Since the temple has a very specific portion of land allotted to it, expansions of the temple have to be up, not out.   Once the temple got a fourth story, the other temples in Nonagon Plaza gave them a lot of pushback for literally trying to lord above them.   The Temple bought some land near the Nonagon Plaza. They have a storage warehouse and some dormitories near the temple but not in the temple.   There is also a public school near the Nonagon Plaza that is technically an indepedent entity but it receives about two thirds of it's material funding and one third of the teaching staff directly from the Khemra Temple of Fumaya. The school's goal is mainly to teach children to read and basic mathematics.


The Grand Khemra Temple of Fumaya is the largest temple in King's Lake being a fully story taller than the next one. It is painted yellow and decorated with sun icons.


It's not a military building. The temple has guards and locks on the doors but the building is not built to defend or intimidate.


Before the Kingdom of Fumaya was established, the Keepers had a small temple located in what is now King's Lake but they relocated it after King Ziven Linijika II, the Wise decreed that he wanted to create a Nonagon plaza for all of the Nine in one place and provided a lot of donations to help make this happen.   Not too surprisingly, the Fumayan Keepers were the first to sign on board with the king's intiative. The Fumayan Keepers were one of the few Nonagon factions to move their temple. Most of the other groups either didn't have an original temple at all or they kept their old temple operational in tandem with the new one.
Founding Date
1612 built, 1617 consecrated
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Me using Nightcafe


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