Grand Temple of Hallisan, Lunatus

Small temples of Hallisan are traditionally called chapels.  Chapels answer to Temples who in turn answer to the Grand Temple.  In theory Scarterra should only have one Grand Temple, but they actually have four or five of them.   On paper, the Grand Temple of Hallisan in Kantoc claims jurisdiction over all Guardians in the Elven Empire, but in practice the Grand Elder in Kantoc has long since given up on reconciling with the Elven Empire's Guardians.   The Grand Temple in Lunatus is the spiritual center for all Guardians in the Elven Empire. They actually claim jurisdiction over all elven Hallisan worshipers, but this claim is laughable.   The wood elves respect Hallisan but Hallisan is not nearly as important in their daily lives as it is for grey elves.  The wood elf Guardians believe in decentralization and outright reject Chapel-Temple-Grand Temple model used by most other Guardians.   The Apseldian half-elves have one Hallisan Temple with one Chapel under it.  They will politely listen to the representatives from various Grand Temples but they don't consider themselves beholden to any of them.  if anything, the Apseldian Guardians view the Grand Temple of Lunatus as the least legitimate Grand Temple in Scarterra.   The dark elf Guardians are in theory open to working closely with the Grand Temple of Lunatus but the Kahdisterian Guardains are a paper tiger at best.  Even if they wanted to report to Grand Temple of Lunatus, they couldn't because the Raykar keeps Kahdisteria's Guardians on a short leash.   Guardians generally do not like playing cloak and dagger politics, but the elven Guardians are getting a crash course in byzantine style politics.. The Elven Empire and Kahdisteria are in the middle of a bitter cold war. It just so happens that one of the only communication lines open between the Dark Elves and the Grey Elves is between their respective Hallisan temples. Guardians around the world are weighing in on this, not just elven Guardians. Some Guardians want to reform Kahdisteria from within while others think peaceful reform is a lost cause there, so the Guardians should lend their might to the illegal cults of Mera and Zarthus among the slave populations.
Founding Date
100 BCE
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: Guardian Icon by me


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