Herders of Men

The Herders of Men are a small but rapidly growing subsect of the Testers of Maylar.   Viewed as borderline heretics, the Herders of Men often find themselves attacked by other factions of Testers.  The fact that the Testers are not only surviving these attacks but growing in numbers is earning them some begrudging respect from their detractors.   Maylar may be the patron of animal herders and hunters, but most animal herders and hunters historically did not want to associate themselves too deeply with Maylar because Maylar has a dark reputation.   The Herders try to spread Maylar’s values in a peaceful way and make sure hunters and herdsmen worship Maylar more than once or a twice a year. Most radical of all, the Herders don’t attack people unprovoked and call it a “test.” If you are a hunter, shepherd, or cattle herder that means you work longer hours, endure extreme heat and cold, and periodically fight dangerous predators. Remember in addition to the dangerous animals that real world medieval outdoorsmen had to deal with this is a fantasy world with dangerous fantasy monsters.   The Herders say that if a person survives in a harsh environment, they have already passed Maylar’s test. They have proven they are strong. The Herders actually provide combat assistance, healing, practical advice, and spiritual services to ordinary people living in rugged or frontier areas. They support communities rather than literally try to destroy them.   Many of Maylar’s Testers believe the Herders are weakling heretics that need to die, but when the Shepherds fight the other Testers, the Herders more often than not win these fights. The Herders are recruiting new members faster than their rivals are killing them. One of their major sources of recruits is rebellious favored souls of Maylar who do not want to hitch their wagon to Maylar’s legacy of hate and violence.   As of yet, the Herders remain an almost exclusively human group.  Their numbers are not great but they are very widely spread.  There are Herder priests in the frontier of Kantoc and Fumaya, some Jórtoca barbarian nomads and small pockets within Penarchia and East Colassia.
Religious, Sect
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Parent Organization
Notable Members

Herders on the Others

  Hear the Words of Ujarek of Fumaya.   Bearers of the Ill Wind: They are cowards because they avoid direct confrontation with their foes. Worse, they are arrogant in their chosen mission. It is Maylar alone to decide who falls ill and who recovers. It is not for his followers to take this into their own hands, much less manipulate the forces of disease for personal gain.   The Decadents: The idea of high born people being better than commoners is folly. Strength is all that matters. You don’t demonstrate strength by torturing the helpless. The Decadents try to hide their weakness behind their social rank.   Peacebreakers: Enough wars happen without the Testers fanning the flames of conflict. All the Peacebreakers do is draw enmity towards all Testers everywhere.   Raiders: I respect their mettle, but not their methods. At least they are not cowards hiding in the shadows.   Independent Testers: Some of them are true believers with true strength, but most of the faction-less Testers resembles Maylar’s Raiders in that they simple use Maylar as an excuse to take what they want from whomever they wish, but they are less bold. More like Maylar’s Burglers.     Mera's Tenders: They are stronger than they let on. Bear them no malice, but keep your distance.   Korus' Stewards:  The closest thing we have to friends among the other priesthoods. Do not make demands of them, it is enough that they talk to us.   Greymoria's Children: They claim to be kindred spirits but if you get if get in bed with them, figuratively or literally, they will make you a patsy for their nefarious schemes.   Nami's Rovers: Some of Nami’s most violent members with Maylar’s Raiders. The less violent Rovers secretly envy them for their lack of inhibitions. A few reach out to us, hoping to have a wild adventure with us, but they are usually disappointed by how pragmatic we Herders are.   Khemra's Keepers:  They are our arrogant but we must be polite around them and humor them about the Compact and their Nonagons. Without their support, we would not be able to operate openly and we would be forced to skulk in the shadows like the lesser Testers.   Zarthus' Lanterns:  They do not trust us and they would love to catch us committing a crime. They are easy enough to distract. Play up on their on their love of outcasts to paint the Herders as kindred spirits and complain about the Masks to them, and they will leave you in peace.   Hallisan's Guardians: They watch us for the slightest err. Do not give them cause to be your enemy. If you pretend to ignore this will wound them more than a spear ever could.   Phidas' Masks:  Like the Lanterns and Guardians, they do trust us. Unlike the Lanterns and Guardians, they will not to wait to catch you sinning before trying to punish you. Outside their marketplaces and cities the Masks are toothless, another reason to avoid civilization as much as possible.

Cover image: by Eron12 on Hero's Forge


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