Kalazotz memorial stelae

Many kalazotz choose to create memorial stelae to pay respect to their honored ancestors.   kalazotz shrines to the ancestors resemble real world Mesoamerican stone stelae carvings, except these stelae generally feature more bat iconography then you see on real Aztec or Mayan carvings. Also, they are nearly always upside down. They are upside done because most kalazotz prefer to relax and socialize with their living relatives while hanging from the ceiling so this seems the natural way to interact with their dead family members as well.   Kalazotz stelae are sometimes carved out of natural stalactites while others are artificially crafted to look vaguely like stalactites. Less commonly, these monuments are crafted out of hard wood. The deeds, names, and sometimes images of the honored dead are crafted into stelae to memorialize them.   When a clan rnns out of space on a particular stalactite, they will start another stalactite nearby meaning that some older nesting areas can have very extensive memorials.   Originally kalazotz memorials were fairly simple and spartan. Over time, they have grown more elaborate and detailed, especially among dwarf influenced kalazotz. One can usually gage the older versus the newer carvings by looking at their level of detail.  
"You can see the increase in detail over time. This shows our clan grew in craftsmanship skill over time, and I am proud of this, but I find a rustic beauty in the older stelae, elegant in their simplicity."   -Colel of Clan Abehreh


Nearly all kalazotz are cherish their living family and are very clan oriented and they have been since their race existed, but filial piety with ancestor worship is relatively new.   Dwarf influenced kalazotz have assimilated dwarven values of filial piety and ancestor worship from their bearded friends. From there this practice spread the kalazotz citizens of land of Meckelorn to the kalazotz citizens of land of Stahlheim then to loosely allied kalazotz that occasionally trade with these nations and then to the kalazotz race as a whole.
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Cover image: Commissioned kalazotz flying, grey background by Diana Rahfoth


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