Lady Nesta ap Gruffyl

Lady Nesta ap Gruffyl

Nesta was a potent Abjurer and a moderately talented Illusionist, but she is also a strong proponent of the general policy that "It is best to understate your magical power", so she was probably stronger than she lets on.   She was a valued advisor to Rohdri and his father before him. They had a lot of closed door meetings. Rohdri seemed genuinely disappointed when she died and he is not known for sentimentality.   She was unlucky as a mother with many stillborns and two children who died tragically young. She had one child make it to adulthood, a sorceress. She was also widowed and remarried once.  
1765 CE 1827 CE 62 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Maylar's Zodiac Year
Circumstances of Death
sudden illness
normal matching eyes

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake
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