Lord Gawell Palbuc II

Lord Gawell Palbuc, II

Lord Gawell Palbuc II was named after his ancestor Duke Gawel Palbuc the Ranger.   He is the first born child of Lord Stanislaw Palbuc, a man now exposed as a traitor and kinslayer.   Young Gawell barely ever saw his father because his father spent most of his time acting as regent and advisor to Duke Vern Palbuc, but now he is going to live under his father's dark legacy regardless.   On paper, Gawell is next in line to the title of Duke of Palbuc, though he might lose his status because his father killed his brother Duke Mateusz Palbuc. While no believes young Gawell had anything to do with his father murdering his uncle, if Gawell did become duke, his peers and subjects would probably resent him.   Duke Vern Palbuc believes that Stanislaw murdered his brother so Stanislaw could become duke. Gawell becoming duke was not a major factor in Stanislaw's motivations, merely icing on the cake.  
Year of Birth
1829 CE 9 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mera's Zodiac Year, Greymoria's Zodiac Year

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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