Prophecy from Greymoria Oracle to Kormatin

Servant of Khemra be silent and be honored. You listen to the words not of a Messenger spirit but of Greymoria herself.     Some fates are certain others are not. Rohdri will eventually die by the hand of one of his offspring. This is certain.     Whether the blasphemous scheme hatched by Rohdri’s grandfather will die at the hands of one of Rohdri’s offspring. This is uncertain. Rohdri’s family was not to first to hatch this scheme and will not be the last, but the scheme must fail.     GREYMORIA CHOOSES WHO HAS SORCERY AND WHO DOES NOT!     I have crafted you and the Lantern into daggers not to slay Rohdri but to slay Rohdri’s mad ambitions. I prefer that you two live long enough to serve my goals but this is uncertain. If my daggers are turned against too many of my children, I will need to forge new daggers.     I have spoken.

Context and Kormatin's Interpretation

  Kormatin is one of many bastard children of Rohdri ap Gruffyl who created a bunch of bastard children in hope of "cracking the code" so to speak for why some children of sorcerers become sorcerers and some do not. He also recruited most of his sorcerer and sorcress bastards under his banner, but Kormatin is neither under Rohdri's thumb and is not a sorcerer.   Kormatin interpreted this to mean that Rohdri (and his father and may other House Gruffyl members) are trying to "play God" with where sorcerers come from and Greymoria, goddess of magic, is offended by this.   Greymoria shaped Kormatin and Brigid as weapons to take down this scheme because it was useful to have pawns outside her own priesthood, but they are somewhat expendable weapons.   Because Kormatin is about to be at odds with many followers of the Greymoria, she is warning him to not kill too many of them or she will discard her tools.

Cover image: Basic Greymoria Symbol 1 by Me using a combination of Nightcafe and MS Paint


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