The Dragon's Eyes

The Dragon's Eyes is the spymaster for the Queen of Swynfaredia balancing both magical espionage techniques with a small army of mundane spies in all areas of society.   A powerful but not always respected position in Swynfaredia's royal court.


Be good at espionage.  Skill in magical divination, Enchantment, and/or Illusions is a plus.


Find valuable information for the queen and thwart enemy plots before they happen.


Money, prestige, and the ear of the queen.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A badge with a draconic eye on it though this appointee is less likely to brandish his badge than other royal appointees.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

He or she can be dismissed at anytime by the current Queen, but it is very dangerous to cut a disgruntled spymaster loose.
Magical, Honorific
Form of Address
Golden Eye
Equates to
Source of Authority
Royal decree of the Queen of Swynfaredia
Length of Term
at the pleasure of the king or queen, but usually for life. An ex-Dragon's Eyes can be a very dangerous thing.
Related Locations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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