
"Tea, your highness?"   -Dreiters
  Dreiters may be the most powerful elf-gnome hybrid in all of Scarterra though he works very hard to remain figuratively as invisible as possible.   Dreiters is the primary man servant of none other than the empress of the Elven Empire herself. Ostensibly his job is to serve food and beverages to Her Majesty, fetch things and act as butler to the other servants, but Dreiters' true job is far more important.   Dreiters is a keen observer of mortals' motivations and emotions. While the queen is busy addressing the various dignitaries of the court, Dreiters' job is to keep an eye on everyone else. Who isn't surprised when a shocking scandal is announced? Who is merely pretending to laugh at the jester's last joke but is in reality offended? Is the prince showing disrespect deliberately or was he simply up too late drinking last night?   He has followed up on suspicious hunches many time, usually it points to some relatively harmless scandal, such as a chambermaid hiding the prince's empty wine bottles from an unauthorized party, but sometimes Dreiters sniffs out a more serious conspiracy. Dreiters once helped catch an assassin targeting one of the queen's daughters though they never figured out who hired the assassin. A gambling man would put their money on royal fratricide.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1689 CE 149 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Khemra's Zodiac Year, Zarthus' Zodiac Month
light blue
dull purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fiery ethnic orange
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Gnomish, Elven, Common, Draconic, Dwarven

Cover image: Dreiters the gnelf by Me using Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: Dreiters the gnelf by Me using Hero Forge


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