Principality of Midlandia


The nation has a hereditary prince who is charge of commanding the army and defense. A council of elders makes most peace time decisions. Individual elders informally lead on a local level.


Government officials and wealthy people tend to live in houses made of clay bricks or stone but the poor people usually live in sod houses or tents similar to what the Mereshnari use. In fact, most Midlanders consider themselves ethnically Meresh and they have a lot of similar customs and idioms.   They share the Mereshnari’s loathing for goblins, distrust for halfbreeds, a love of slow cooked stews, a barter culture, a similar patriarchal family system, and similar religious practices.

Demography and Population

90% humans, 5% gnomes , 1% half-elves 4% other   Noble 3%, craftsmen 10%, Professional soldiers 5%, farmers 20%, herders 41%, farmer/herders 21%


Most Midlanders worship Korus primarily. The three Chaotic gods are also fairly popular, even Maylar . Maylar is the father of animal husbandry and his borderline heretical subgroup of family friendly Maylar priests, the Shepherds, have a presence here. They are not overtly disrespectful to the three Lawful deities but they mildly dislike their prime followers finding them a bit too bossy and inflexible.

The land and the people are one.


  Hear the words of Saad, traveling minstrel   Marginallanders: Hard lands breed hard people. I’m glad they joined our alliance.   Musselanders: I’m not sure if we have any shared blood with them, but they are our spiritual brothers at the very least.   Mooringslanders: Arrogant copper counters…they are easy enough to convince them to part with some of their coin with a little flattery.   Marshlanders: They are good allies to have on the battlefield, but when Marshlanders visit, our livestock seems to mysteriously disappear…   Magiclanders: They use books and magic to avoid getting their hands dirty, but I’m glad they are on our side.   Meralanders: Don’t try to spread merriment in Meraland, pleasure and joy are sins in the eyes of the Hearth Mother!   Mineralanders: Sharing a border with the Kahdisteria has made the Mineraland become much like Kahdisteria.   Mereshnari : Our distant kin. Without their friendship and courage, dabeshi would be feasting on our livestock…and our families.   Riverlanders: Their lands are more fertile because they have more water, but I don’t envy them. I’ll take our local lords over the Riverlanders' tyrant lords any day.   Half-Elves:  They are victims almost as much as their raped mothers are victims. I still don't sleep easy when they are around. Some of them mean well and some of them are too tainted to be trustworthy. Best ship them off to faraway lands and not take the chance.   Goblins : I feel bad for their plight, I really do. But we can’t just sit on our hands while they plunder our herds.   Kahdisteria : The goblins try to steal our livestock, but the dark elves try to steal our children. Void take all their evil souls!   dabeshi : The dabeshi try to steal our livestock and our children. I’d say the Void can take their souls too, but I doubt these cackling monsters even have souls.   Yeti: I hear they are enemies to the dark elves, but as remote as they are, they might as well be at the bottom of the sea for how easily we can contact them.
Geopolitical, Province
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Principality of Midlandia

Cover image: Midlander's Heraldry by Me with Worlspinner's Heraldry Program


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