Reindeer Related Articles

Because I am probably insane, I am planning to use as many templates as possible to write reindeer based articles for Wordember 2022 as possible.   EDIT: The pace has slowed down, but I haven't stopped writing about reindeer after World Ember   Character template Sir Schnocneg, the Reindeer Knight   Condition template, giant reindeer   Ethnicity template, Zegdelian gnomes   Item template, Spear of the Hunter   Military unit template, the Schnocneg Regiment   Myth/legend template, The Trials of Mogak the orc heroine   Species template, reindeer   Spell template, Bone shaping   Summer Camp 2023, Answering: "a cuisine from a sparse, barren or remote region in your world" Reindeer cheese   Worldember 2023, Mogak the orc heroine


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