Tanoa, gnome tailor's wife

Tanoa is the second born child of Saben the merchant and Minbi the merchant, and eldest sister to the famous heroine Ragani the gnome Guardian.   Tanoa is one of seven children, the second eldest child and the eldest daughter. Their parents initially pushed all their children to take up the family trade of mercantile endeavors. Tanoa did not become a merchant in a traditional sense but was able to apply all the skills her parents taught her and become the most financially successful member of her family. Apart from Ragani who technically has more wealth from her actions as an adventurer and high level espionage operative. Tanoa managed to become financially successful without staring death in the face every other week.   Tanoa married a tailor in King's Lake by the name of Valdri. Tanoa can't sew herself, but she helps her Valdri sell his work on the front end of their shop. She also helps him haggle for fair prices for cloths, dyes, and other supplies.   Her husband Valdri is an excellent tailor, but he is pretty social inept by gnome standards, and is not a good negotiator. Tanoa is exactly what he needs to thrive. Valdri can focus on making handsome garments entirely while his Tanoa handles the supply chain issues and sales aspects of his tailor shop.   Tanoa and Valdri have two sons and two daughters roughly equally spaced ranging from ages about 2 to 22. For context, gnome children mature at roughly half the rate of human children becoming legal adults at 35.   FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE


Tanoa, gnome tailor's wife

sister (Important)

Towards Ragani the gnome Guardian



Ragani the gnome Guardian

sister (Important)

Towards Tanoa, gnome tailor's wife




Ragani and Tanoa are sisters but they had a fairly large age gap between them. Tanoa was hitting puberty about the time when Ragani was born. The age gap made it hard for them to relate to each other but they at least weren't in competition for their parent's time and attention directly. They had an affectionate big sister/little sister dynamic but it gradually eroded as the pair grew older.   Their parents of course claimed to not have a favorite child, but Ragani believed Tanoa was the favorite child. When Tanoa got married and found her business niche helping her new husband selling his wares, her parents were thrilled and they elevated Tanoa as a fine example for the rest of the family to follow.   Ragani did not want to be a merchant. Partially this was due to Ragani's independent streak and the instinctual desire for the youngest child to stand out as individual in some way, but Ragani felt her values did not mesh with those of merchants.   Ragani tended to be direct and blunt (by gnome standards at least) and she did not donning what she considered a false mask of pleasantness and verbal subterfuge needed to make sales. Tanoa excelled at this this aspect of salesmanship and viewed her actions as politeness and common senses, not dishonesty. This drove a wedge between the sisters.   When Ragani joined the Fumayan Guardians, Tanoa was one of the last members of the family to support her and Ragani assumed Tanoa was putting on a pleasant front. Relations have soften after Tanoa had some children. Gnomes babies are cute and good at bringing people together. Ragani has little to no interest in being a mother herself, but she likes being an auntie.   Ragani moved to an acolyte and scholar to a full priestess of Hallisan. The rest of her family got used to this idea and eventually became proud of her. They were even more proud when she became anointed theurgist   The family's pride turned to fear when it turned out she had a great aptitude for Spirit Magic. Spirit summoning theurgists generally do not get assigned quiet temple postings managing libaries or giving heartfelt sermons to Hallisan's faithful, they are sent to front lines on dangerous quests.   Ragani didn't just become an adventurer, she became a high level espionage agent working with the king's investigator Kormatin and battling murderous Decadents, a powerful vampiress, and over a dozen enemy sorcerers (and still counting). Ironically, working as an adventurer has recently made Ragani begin to appreciate the social and mercantile skills she learned from her family.   Like the rest of her family, Tanoa is proud of Ragani, but is also terrified for her. She has mixed feeling about how much her oldest daughter is looking up to Aunt Ragani.

Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1774 CE 64 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mera's Zodiac Year
silvery grey
black with a hint of blue

Cover image: by me with Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: by me with Hero Forge


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