Ragani the gnome Guardian

Sister Ragani

Ragani is a young priestess of Hallisan and a loyal companion to the famous hero Kormatin, originally assigned with the archer Tihalt to help Kormatin root out Swynfaredian spies in Fumaya.   The party apprehended several spies before they stumbled into the machinations of a secret cult of Decadents. This encounter made the party famous after the arrest and eventual banishment of the queen's younger sister, Lady Felicja Wiern. Their fame had helped provide a trail for Kormatin's long lost half-sister, Brigid, to find and join the party.   The party thwarted an assassination attempt against Baron Fyodor Deorac IV cementing their friendship with the Deorac family. Later, Bendek Deorac would join their party.   Kormatin's and company hatched a plan to overthrow Swynfaredia's puppet states in the Border Baronies Region, but they needed money to do this.  
Following the words of an oracle and a trail of mundane clues, the party tracked down and slew the wealthy vampire Emerande who had been act as a shadowy puppet master to the Border Barony Prophet's Pass.   Previously Ragani generally only summoned arrow catching spirits and patched up the wounded, but this battle was the first fight where Ragani truly contributed as more than quiet support, inflicting direct wounds on the vampire with axe and magic (though Tihalt got the killing blow).
Emerande the vampire.png
by Me with Hero Forge
  Ragani was not interested in being a merchant like most of her family and this motivated her decision to join the Guardians. Ironically, Ragani handles more wealth as a warrior priestess than she ever did as a merchant with the "liberated" possessions of various defeated foes.  
by Eron12 with Hero Forge
Shortly after slaying the vampiress, the party tackled a criminal cartel controlled by expatriated Swynfaredian ogres led by a skin changer witch named Heulwen. Tihalt died saving the lives of Brigid and Ragani.
  Ragani had little time to mourn her spiritual brother in arms. She accompanyed Kormatin as he sought to gather allies for their coup.  
by Me with Midjourney
By the time they were ready to oust the Uwcharedian puppet states, Ragani's summoning skills grew much stronger. This helped Ragani cement a friendship with one of her spirit eagles of Hallisan she nicknamed "Sam".
  Kormatin, Ragani, and Brigid had attracted the attention of House Gorisonad who were the puppet masters of Uwcharedia. They put a bounty on all three of them. Bendek, did not receive a price on his head and he was miffed by this.   The party had fake bounty hunters turn them in with unlocked manacles in a daring Trojan Horse maneuver to slay the spymaster Lord Rhydian ap Goirsonad and rob his holdings blind. They used captured documents to help plan assassinations of important linchpins of the Gorisonad spy network.   After helping companions foment a goblin slave revolt to infiltrate a Swynfaredian lead mine to destroy Gerallt the Lich, she faced her most horrifying challenge yet...babysitting her nieces and nephews for four days a festival!  

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

by me with Nightcafe
  She was gifted a magical armor buckle from the goddess Khemra after helping Kormatin and company rescue Krogresli the Eclipsed Caste dwarf, it was decorated with a beautiful symbol of Hallisan.

Specialized Equipment

She usually carries a wand of Plant ● gifted by Reverend Hahn of the Stewards.   When on duty usually wears chain mail. Given her life as an adventurer and counter espionage agent with a large price on her head, she is always expecting some trouble and usually wears light armor blended with clothes when "relaxing".   She usually armed with a battle axe, partially to make up for her underwhelming gnome strength and partially because it is Hallisan's signature weapon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ragani was born in Ivanna City but moved to King's Lake at a very young age.   She was the youngest of seven siblings. Her parents were relatively successful merchants, but their finances were stretched by having lots of mouths to feed. Their home was in the city King's Lake, but very frequently one of her parents was traveling and sometimes Ragani and/or her siblings were dragged along on these trips across Fumaya.
Fumaya National Crest-1 by Me via World Spinner's Heraldry Generator
  Ragani and her siblings never went hungry but didn't enjoy many luxuries. Like most gnomes, her parents push all her kids to be literate. Usually her parents pushed ledgers and non-fiction guides at her but Ragani loved to read ancient stories and current fiction when ever she could.   Ragani decided fairly early that the life of a merchant was not for her. She figured she would not get much starting capital from her parents to go into business for her self, and she was kind bothered by some aspects of merchant culture.   She especially disliked "face culture". Her parents often dressed above their station and the whole family had to pretend to be less poor than they were. She disliked the low level deception and flattery endemic in mercantile endeavors though Ragani retained enough gnomish social graces to avoid being outright blunt and abrasive.   As an adolescent, she made friends with a human named Anielka, the daughter of a prominent Guardian, which drew Ragani into the Guardians by proxy. Ragani helped Aneilka find the courage to tell her father that she did not want to be a Guardian. Aneilka ultimately married an inn keeper lives a relatively quiet domestic life. In the process of helping Aneilka stand up against her father and politely attending many Hallisan worship rituals, Ragani actually decided that the Guardian lifestyle was appealing to her. She admired their courage and general up front honesty and directness. She was also fond of stories about Guardian heroes of yesteryear.  
Guardian Icon by me
As an adolescent bordering on adult hood, she applied to join the Fumayan Guardians and was accepted.
  Type casted for being a gnome, Ragani was "encouraged" to train in medicine with an emphasis on battlefield first aid with the hope of her developing Healing theurgy which she eventually did, though her development was slow.   Her second theurgy was Spirit Magic which developed unusually quickly. This was presumably because Ragani spent as much time in the temple library reading about the spirits as she could, often borrowing books from the Fumayan Keepers and Fumayan Tenders.   She was assigned by her ecclesiastical superior, Revered Mother Alexandra Frymar, to aid Kormatin initially for little more reason than her strong willpower, but she has since forged a strong bond with Kormatin and his mission.


The Guardians do not require priests and priestesses to be celibate, but they encourage celibacy. Ragani has leaned into this professional celibacy.   Ragani has taken up the Dragons' Path and does not want to leave a widower or motherless child behind. It is is also partially due to her tendency to form deeper emotional (but platonic) bonds to humans than gnomes so she rarely interacts with other gnomes long enough for a "spark" to form.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While Ragani is different from stereotypical gnomes simply from being a Guardian, she has filled the stereotypical gnome role of being a loyal supporter to larger folk taking care of the important but non-glorious details, quietly supporting the heroic actions of her more public heroic companions.   She has provided summoning and healing magic in a backup roll, given good advice, playing "good cop" during interrogations, and helping deal with managing supplies and buying and selling items for the party.   Given that she is part of an espionage team, Ragani ended up acting as the friendly public "face" for her adventuring party something she would have balked at years ago, but now she is doing this for the higher cause.   Her most impressive conventionally heroic act was single handedly defeating a powerful Gorisinod sorcerer in a conjurers' duel during the battle for the liberation of the Wooly Slopes Barony.

Failures & Embarrassments

Originally she joined the Guardians partially to distance herself from her mercantile upbringing which she had misgivings about, but she has found herself full circle often engaging in mercantile endeavors on behalf of the Guardians. She has since made peace with this personal demon as she has seen that trading and commerce can be a force for good.  
Tihalt by Eron12 using Hero Forge
Ragani still blames herself for Tihalt's death at the hands of Huelwen the Skin Changer Witch using the dreaded spell Body Warp.   Shortly thereafter, Ragani honed her healing magic to Healing ●●●● which could have potentailly saved Tihalt if she had it earlier.

Morality & Philosophy

Ragani value system is a mix of traditional gnomish community and family values combined with the straightforward honor and work ethic espoused by the Guardians.   Ragani is not on bad terms with her blood family, but puts more weight on her found family.


Ragani the gnome Guardian

sister (Vital)

Towards Rasdon, gnome illuminator



Rasdon, gnome illuminator

brother (Vital)

Towards Ragani the gnome Guardian




Ragani and Rasdon are the youngest children in a family of nine. They are closest in age of any two siblings in the family in terms of age and temperment.

Relationship Reasoning

They fully support each other's life decisions when the rest of their family supports their lifestyles with their noses plugged, figuratively speaking.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy reading and oral stories, both true history and true fiction.   Both are somewhat rebellious against their family's norms and expectations.

Uripos, brewer supplier

brother (Important)

Towards Ragani the gnome Guardian



Ragani the gnome Guardian

sister (Trivial)

Towards Uripos, brewer supplier




Uripos is the oldest sibling among seven and Ragani is the baby of the family. They like each other well enough but the age gap made it hard for them to relate as kids.   As adults, their relationship has matured. Besides Rasdon, Uripos was one of the first family members to back her decision to become an acolyte priestess of Hallisan. Though like most of the rest of the famiy, Uripos expected Ragani to become a liturgy giving preacher or maybe a midwife and healer. Uripos and the others did not expect a spirit summoning, axe wielding, hunter of magical spies.   Now Uripos' oldest daughter Krifi won't shut up about wanting to be a theurgist holy warrior like Auntie Ragani, and he's not exactly thrilled by this development.

Tanoa, gnome tailor's wife

sister (Important)

Towards Ragani the gnome Guardian



Ragani the gnome Guardian

sister (Important)

Towards Tanoa, gnome tailor's wife




Ragani and Tanoa are sisters but they had a fairly large age gap between them. Tanoa was hitting puberty about the time when Ragani was born. The age gap made it hard for them to relate to each other but they at least weren't in competition for their parent's time and attention directly. They had an affectionate big sister/little sister dynamic but it gradually eroded as the pair grew older.   Their parents of course claimed to not have a favorite child, but Ragani believed Tanoa was the favorite child. When Tanoa got married and found her business niche helping her new husband selling his wares, her parents were thrilled and they elevated Tanoa as a fine example for the rest of the family to follow.   Ragani did not want to be a merchant. Partially this was due to Ragani's independent streak and the instinctual desire for the youngest child to stand out as individual in some way, but Ragani felt her values did not mesh with those of merchants.   Ragani tended to be direct and blunt (by gnome standards at least) and she did not donning what she considered a false mask of pleasantness and verbal subterfuge needed to make sales. Tanoa excelled at this this aspect of salesmanship and viewed her actions as politeness and common senses, not dishonesty. This drove a wedge between the sisters.   When Ragani joined the Fumayan Guardians, Tanoa was one of the last members of the family to support her and Ragani assumed Tanoa was putting on a pleasant front. Relations have soften after Tanoa had some children. Gnomes babies are cute and good at bringing people together. Ragani has little to no interest in being a mother herself, but she likes being an auntie.   Ragani moved to an acolyte and scholar to a full priestess of Hallisan. The rest of her family got used to this idea and eventually became proud of her. They were even more proud when she became anointed theurgist   The family's pride turned to fear when it turned out she had a great aptitude for Spirit Magic. Spirit summoning theurgists generally do not get assigned quiet temple postings managing libaries or giving heartfelt sermons to Hallisan's faithful, they are sent to front lines on dangerous quests.   Ragani didn't just become an adventurer, she became a high level espionage agent working with the king's investigator Kormatin and battling murderous Decadents, a powerful vampiress, and over a dozen enemy sorcerers (and still counting). Ironically, working as an adventurer has recently made Ragani begin to appreciate the social and mercantile skills she learned from her family.   Like the rest of her family, Tanoa is proud of Ragani, but is also terrified for her. She has mixed feeling about how much her oldest daughter is looking up to Aunt Ragani.

Ragani the gnome Guardian

sister (Trivial)

Towards Celbys, merchant's daughter, butcher's wife



Celbys, merchant's daughter, butcher's wife

sister (Trivial)

Towards Ragani the gnome Guardian




Ragani and Celbys get along and like each other well enough, but they don't have much in common. They are polite but not especially close.   Ragani does like to coo over her new baby niece.

Ragani the gnome Guardian

sister (Trivial)

Towards Wolnove the "merchant"



Wolnove the "merchant"

sister (Trivial)

Towards Ragani the gnome Guardian




Ragani and Wolnove didn't get along well as kids.   Ragani disapproves of Wolnove having a child out of wedlock and wasting a lot of their parents' money. Wolnove is somewhat jealous that Ragani is more successful adventurer, being both much more respectable and much wealthier.   Ragani did reluctantly give her some money when last the two met. Ragani rationalized this as helping her nephew by proxy.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both share a love of adventure and a fondness for risk taking of sorts, but these tendencies manifest in different ways.

Ragani was a priestess and a novice summoner assigned to help Kormatin temporarily in his hunt for Swynfaredian spies, but she has since become a full time companion to Kormatin and staunch ally in his broad mission to defend Fumaya by any means necessary.

Character Location
Current Location
central Swynfaredian countryside
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Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1799 CE 39 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Zarthus' Zodiac Year, Greymoria's Zodiac Month
light grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
medium earthy brown
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Gnomish, Common, Elven Draconic

Articles under Ragani the gnome Guardian

Cover image: Ragani portrait by Eron12 using Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: Ragani portrait by Eron12 using Hero Forge


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